Happy Howl-o-ween! Chloe and I were very excited yesterday. I know, dogs don't normally go trick or treating. But, we thought that since we just had our teeth cleaned, Aunt Pat or Daddy might take us out. The people at the Rehab Vet said how nice and clean my teeth looked, so naturally I thought the rest of the neighborhood would want to see...and give us treats. Guess not. We'll be spending the evening upstairs with Aunt Pat while Daddy hands out the candy to the kids.
I don't know why, we can't go out. Every time Aunt Pat gets us harnessed up for our walks, she calls us the "Furry Horde of Doom", and says it's time to strike terror in the hearts of the neighbors. This is the perfect night for striking terror in the heart of our neighbors, isn't it? Okay, we're not mean, and we don't really strike terror in anybody when we see them on our walks, but it would be nice to sniff out some extra noms and maybe a few head or tummy rubs. It's not like the only thing we do is get treats, we give them too. Chloe and I find treats for Daddy and Aunt Pat on our walks...along with the occasional treat for us if the humans don't see it before we get it in our mouth. Granted, the treats we find for the humans aren't the same as we like. We'll drag, err, lead Aunt Pat over to a returnable bottle somebody left by the road or on a lawn, she considers it a treat. We've never play a trick though. The humans would inevitably pick it up.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Dental Care is Important...

Anyway, Chloe and I had appointments to have our teeth cleaned. Chloe had a little tantrum when they took me back first. I think she wanted to go first so she could get it over with. Everything went well, our teeth are nice and clean. Aunt Pat says our breath is much fresher. But, our dental appointments aren't like Daddy's or Aunt Pat's. We have to be given anesthesia. Let's face it, I'm not sure how much I'd like the idea of having my teeth scraped without having a biskee chaser. Plus, Chloe talks so much, they'd never get any work done. So, we were at the Vet's office all day. Chloe woke up fairly quickly, and boy, she was chatting with anyone and everyone she could. She's very empathetic, so I think she was trying to give the other patients some solace and consolation...sort of like a friendly visitor you'd see in a hospital.
It took me longer to wake up. I was pretty...happy, when Aunt Pat picked us up. She said I looked like a freshman on their first weekend away at college. Hmm. How would she know that? Oh, she had a roommate her first semester freshman year who spent more time on a bar stool than in class. Okay, so I was doing the drunken sailor walk where I'd walk a couple of steps then flop on the floor with my legs askew. It was like my front legs and my back legs were working independently of each other. I almost ran into the wall. Our neighbor and Vet Tech extraordinaire, D, had to get a towel to support my back end so I could get outside. A nice man who was there for something offered to help us out, which was nice of him. Anyway, Aunt Pat and D poured me into the back seat and we drove home. Once we got home, I got out of the car okay, and after wandering around the back yard for a few minutes, I got in the house without needing much assistance. After a little nap, then a lite supper, and then another nap, I was steadier when Daddy got home from work. I even made it up the stairs without too much trouble.
Chloe was a little "happy" and sad as well. She was a little wobbly when she got up on the table to look out upon the neighborhood. I think I scared her, too. She'd sniff me, and whine, but she was pretty whiny last night anyway. She wanted to eat; she wanted to walk; she wanted to go through the neighborhood showing off her pearly whites and fresh breath! The Vet's office had instructed Aunt Pat to wait to feed us until 8pm or so. Plus, Aunt Pat figured we shouldn't go for walkies, either, which was fine by me. Aunt Pat got so tired of Chloe's whining, she fed us before the instructions said we should eat. But, we'd kept down some water and a few treats, so she didn't think we'd have any trouble with our food. We didn't. We were both back to normal Tuesday morning. I was a bit stiffer, but moving around more, and taking a couple of nice walks helped. On our afternoon walk yesterday, I almost got a ride on a school bus! The bus driver waved at us, but Aunt Pat said she was letting us cross the street. I think she wanted us to come for a ride.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Why Does It Have to Rain...
when you really don't want it to? Take last Thursday. It poured. I don't mind getting wet too much, heck, I am a water dog. But, Chloe hates it when it rains. If we get caught in a shower on our walk, she runs around the house like a maniac. She rubs herself on the rug, and on the furniture to dry off. Daddy and Aunt Pat have to chase her around the room to towel her off. I don't know why she does that. Having our humans towel us off with a warm towel is like getting a massage. I love it! Besides, the humans usually almost always give us a treat afterwards. Especially if I bark, err, ask for one. It's not like Daddy and Aunt Pat make us stay outside for a while when it rains, they don't. If we're not on our walk, we're only out for as long as we need to do our potties. If it's raining too hard, we don't even go for our walk.
But, last Thursday, we had an appointment at our Groomer. We love going there, and we like to show off how nice we look in the back yard after our appointment. Aunt Pat thinks the real reason we're anxious to go outside is because we need to potty, but that's only part of the reason. We know Mrs. G.(our neighbor who lives directly behind us) loves to see how we look once we've been to the beauty parlor (as she calls it) She's right, we do look beautiful. Once we got home, it was raining so hard we couldn't stay outside long enough for anyone to see us. We were really bummed. Chloe was so unhappy, she ran around the house to dry herself off, and then hid under the dining room table. She did the same thing later in the afternoon, and both of her bows came off. At least I still have my Halloween bandanna on.
Fortunately, the rain let up so we were able to go for our evening walk. Too bad we didn't get to see any of the neighbors to tell us how good we looked. Oh, well, we shouldn't be vain. Our Groomer was kind enough to schedule an appointment for us for the week before Thanksgiving. Hopefully, we'll have better weather next time.
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