No, Aunt Pat isn't mad at Daddy. I'm referring to my dear brother Freddy. I love him, I really do, but sometimes he can be a little annoying. I like a slow start to my morning. Some mornings I love to stay in bed with Aunt Pat and enjoy a nice tummy rub. But, Freddy's an early bird, err, dog. He's up promptly at 6:15, jingling his tags. Once he shakes himself out, he'll come into Aunt Pat's room and bump the bed with both his head and his tail. Aunt Pat will roll over and pet him. Then he'll go into Daddy's room. Daddy's normally up, so he'll greet Freddy and pet him as well. Aunt Pat and I will usually get up then, because Freddy will head for the top of the staircase and wait for Daddy to go downstairs. If not, then Freddy will come back into our room and smack the bed again. That boy wants everyone to start their day at the same time.

I'll sit at the top of the stairs for a few moments, because Freddy gets so excited. I'll head down once I see Daddy carry the bag of dog food into the kitchen. Once Daddy gives Freddy his medicine, he'll give us our breakfast. I like to eat slowly, and savor my meal. It's better for one's digestion to thoroughly chew your food. But Freddy, nope. No savoring for him. I swear he inhales his food. Then, he'll come into the kitchen to see if I need any help eating. If not, Daddy will take him out for potties and I can eat in peace.

However, last week there were a couple of mornings when I needed a potty break before I ate. Daddy made sure that Freddy came out with me, but as with all things, I won't go until I find just the right spot. Even if it means sniffing nearly the entire back yard. It's just like when Aunt Pat takes a magazine into the bathroom with her. Plus, sometimes I'll sniff out a good bit of gossip from one of the critters who visits during the night and I have to stop and take it in. Freddy will keep the sniffing to a minimum and wants to go back in.

That's the problem. I hadn't eaten much, so there was food left in my bowl. Freddy thought he'd be helpful and finish it for me. Good thing there was food left in the bag. Daddy and Aunt Pat gave me some more, but it was difficult to eat with Freddy hovering nearby. Daddy and Aunt Pat lured him upstairs with a treat, but I'm not the type to pass up a good treat, so I didn't use the time to eat. Then, I had to follow my routine and look out the front window to see what was happening in the world.
So, Daddy and Aunt Pat let Freddy finish what was in my bowl so it wouldn't go to waste. He was so happy he licked my muzzle. He's watching his waistline, so Freddy didn't get as large of a dinner. I got frequent treats throughout the day, so I didn't go hungry.