Although we do have a lot of fun here, every day we have work to do.
Sarah is still with us while her mom recuperates from her surgeries, and
she's been a real sport. Sarah has pitched right in when Daddy and
Aunt Pat do their chores. Like, changing bedsheets. Sarah likes to
jump up on the bed when Daddy or Aunt Pat have just put the new bottom
sheet on the bed. She has to be sure the bottom sheet is smooth before the other sheets get put on the bed. Sarah knows the importance of smooth sheets to provide the utmost comfort for the sleeper. She also likes to help Daddy dust. Her tail is the perfect height to dust the screen on his TV!
We've also been at work in the garden! Now that the weather is nice, Aunt Pat has been weeding and getting it ready for planting. I told Aunt Pat, err, recommended that she plant beans, spinach, lettuce and carrots. Freddy loves lettuce, and I'll eat the beans and carrots. We'll leave the spinach for Aunt Pat.
There's also yard work to do. Freddy and Sarah have been doing their share of the edging and weeding after Daddy mows the lawn. I've done some trimming, but the grass doesn't agree with me. I'd rather supervise Aunt Pat in the garden, and make sure the baby birds who are learning to fly get their lessons. Yes, I helped teach a baby bird to fly! There was a baby blackbird who flew onto one of the chain links in the fence right in front of Aunt Pat. In fact, the bird almost hit Aunt Pat on the head. Freddy just smiled and looked at it, but I came up after it had time to rest, and tried to get it to fly again. It flew the wrong way, into the forsythia in the corner of the yard. I chased after it. Mrs. G was out in the yard, and she yelled at me when I took off after the bird. I think she thought I was going to try to catch it and eat it. But, I was able to get it to fly into her yard. I don't know if Sarah is a bird chaser, and I don't know if Freddy would try to catch a tired baby bird or not. I wanted to make sure it was safe. I gave Mrs. G one of my sweetest cute looks, and all was understood.