I'm sad to report the sudden passing of Chloe, who blessed us with her lively spirit from the time of her adoption in 2006 until this morning. According to her adoption papers, she was born in 2004.
Chloe was fine on Christmas, but this past Thursday, she started with vomiting, and not eating. She still seemed to have her usual get up and go, so we thought she had stomach upset from a joint supplement that she'd been taking. So we started a bland diet, and watched her. Over the weekend she seemed to be panting more, so we took her to the Vet on Monday. He had trouble hearing her breath sounds, so he did an x-ray, which showed a great deal of fluid in her chest. He removed some of the fluid and diagnosed her with a
Chylothorax. The Vet wanted to drain some of the fluid in her chest and take some blood to test the triglyceride levels in each fluid to confirm the diagnosis, and to schedule the ultrasound.We started her on a low fat diet and a supplement called Rutin.
The Vet drew enough fluid for the test, but didn't drain it because Chloe's breath sounds improved, and the ultrasound images would be better with the fluid in place. She actually ate a couple of small meals; seemed more comfortable; and was more interactive.
Yesterday, her condition worsened. She started having more trouble breathing, and she looked more uncomfortable. The ultrasound showed extensive lymphoma in her abdomen, and in her chest, what appeared to be clots and fibrin/fibrous tissue around her heart, and more fluid in her chest. This morning, Chloe joined her sisters Heidi and Katie, her friend Tony, and Freddy's mother Grace at the Rainbow Bridge. She was very peaceful, and finally appeared to be at rest.

Chloe was smart, sweet, stubborn, temperamental and had a zest for life. She loved going for her morning walks, which my brother referred to as the morning "Sniff and pee", since the sniffing and peeing over other dogs' scents seemed to take more time than the actual walking. Chloe also loved a set schedule, and any alteration in walking time, or nap time, or play time resulted in a look, stomping of her paws, and a horse-like whinny, that indicated her disapproval. We called it, getting all "Hubba-bubba.", because that's the noise it sounded like she was making. If Chloe wanted something, and the humans weren't responding quickly enough, she would do some silent doggie communication thing to get Freddy off of the sofa to come over and nudge me to pay attention to her.

Chloe was also very social. Whenever we went for a walk, or saw another dog, rabbit or other creature, Chloe assumed the other creature wanted to meet her as much as she wanted to meet it. This resulted in friendships with her friend Tony, the dog that lived with our neighbor, another neighbor dog named Lucy, and of course, Sarah and her sister Weezie. It also resulted in a nice scratch across the face when the rabbit she chased in our back yard kicked her. It also resulted in her being picked up and carried on some of her walks when some of the other dogs weren't interested in being her friend, and Chloe wouldn't stop barking at them. She also enjoyed visiting Freddy's family and meeting and playing with the foster dogs.
Her best friend was her sister Katie. Katie was older than Chloe, and I think acted as a little mother to her. They were very close, like Yin and Yang. Chloe was saddened at Katie's passing, but really seemed to come into herself afterwards.
Chloe was sweet and loved a good cuddle. It didn't matter if it was two in the afternoon, or two in the morning. She would swat one of us with her paws and roll on her side or back indicating her need for a tummy rub. She would also curl up right behind her back, nearly causing me to fall out of bed on more than one occasion, and causing Andy to sleep on the sofa more than once. She also like to jump onto the sofa and onto my lap, especially if I was knitting or crocheting. She would sprawl across my lap and sometimes stand on my project, ensuring that the only way I could continue would be to put it down and pay Chloe the attention she deserved. She also sensed if you weren't feeling well. She would stay close by and snuggle.
Chloe wasn't afraid to try new things. She enjoyed obedience class, and even started going into the swimming pool once she became comfortable around the water.
Chloe's favorite perch around the house, besides her pillow on the sofa, was the table in front of the living room window. She would lay there and watch the world go by, barking as needed at anything, anyone, or something only Chloe could see.
Chloe will be missed, but we know she's no longer in pain, and the Furry Horde of Doom, or the Three Musketeers are finally back together.