I was right, at least so far, about there being six more weeks of winter. It's been very cold the last few days, so Daddy and Aunt Pat won't take us for walks. They don't want us to get sick or hurt from the cold or ice. Chloe isn't thrilled. She loves her walkies. Once Aunt Pat is dressed, Chloe will stomp her paws, whine and scurry around the bathroom until Aunt Pat is done cleaning the shower. Then, when Aunt Pat puts the laundry in the machine, she'll make this high-pitched squeaking noise that makes Chloe sound like she's leaking. Chloe loves her routine.
Mornings aren't so bad. Daddy or Aunt Pat will take us out in the back yard. Chloe will run around and if the wind blows, she'll go back in. A nap usually follows. But, Aunt Pat usually takes us for our second walk after lunch. Since Chloe's rested, she's raring to go. She won't take "no" for an answer, and a trip to the back yard usually consists of Chloe standing in the yard, stomping her feet and whining.
So, Aunt Pat has been putting our harnesses on, and putting us in the car! We'll drive around the neighborhood, and pretty much stay close to home. Daddy and Aunt Pat will sometimes drive by the Vet's office, which is nice. They want us to know that a car ride doesn't always mean we have to see the doctor, so we won't get upset when we get in the car. 
I'm happy. I love my car rides. But, I think Chloe is getting converted, too. A lot of times she's pretty hyper in the car, jumping up on the side of the seat, looking out the window. But she's calmed down a lot since we've been going for our rides. She'll still look out the window, but she'll sit down on the seat and enjoy the ride. Aunt Pat puts her in the car first, then I get in the back seat. I'll even fall asleep some times. 
It never fails, though. Once we get back we have to stop in the back yard to make a pit stop before we go in the house. The humans are like that too, though. It seems like every time they come home, the first place they stop is the bathroom...right after they pet us, that is.