Yes, it's not a mirage, I'm eating out of one of Daddy and Aunt Pat's salad bowls. And no, I didn't get up in the cupboard and get it out myself because I'm sick of eating out of a dog bowl. Daddy had nuked my dinner in the microwave and just gave it to me in this bowl instead. We all know you can't stick a metal bowl in the microwave, because it can cause arching and can damage the microwave. No, Daddy's not giving me anything really hot. He's just getting it to room temperature so it'll be more palatable. He's so good to me. Aunt Pat wasn't upset about Daddy using a salad bowl. She was happy to see me eat.

I've been having more tummy trouble lately. The humans aren't sure what happened, but I started having some diarrhea and would vomit on occasion. Of course, they've been very concerned. Chloe has been too. She's been coming around sniffing me frequently. But, outside of the stomach issues, I was my normal self. I wasn't lethargic and would still eat. The humans weren't sure if I'd eaten something on one of our walks, which I have done. Paper is one of my favorite food groups. The humans have also changed our food, and the guy at the pet store said that the new food has a lot of fruits and vegetables in it, which can cause irritation to a dog with a sensitive stomach. Aunt Pat had to take a sample of my, err, output to the Vet earlier last week and that was okay. She also took me to the Vet this past Saturday, and he took another sample. I was more than a little surprised by that development, but now I can empathize with Daddy when he goes for his prostate check. That sample was normal, too. So, for the last week or so, I've been eating Aunt Pat's home cooking! I started on a mix of ground turkey, cottage cheese and rice, but that didn't seem to help. Then, they substituted ground beef and sweet potatoes for the turkey and cottage cheese. I was still having some problems so Aunt Pat switched the sweet potatoes for pumpkin. That seemed to help. My output was more normal as of yesterday. This morning was a little loose, but not bad.
The guy at the pet store recommended a food that's lamb based. It's made by the same people who made our old food, but according to the guy at the pet store, the company won't be changing the formula like what happened the last time our food maker was purchased by a large company. The humans switched our food when they heard the company had been bought.
So, the humans are making me take it easy. I don't like it when they leave me home and take just Chloe for walkies. I also don't like it when they make us turn around before we've gotten too far away from home. The smells just start getting good! But I love the extra tummy rubs and the snuggles on the sofa. I guess there's a trade off for everything.