that it'll probably take two posts to get it all in! I've been a little sad at Tony's passing. He was a very dear friend of mine, and I miss seeing and sniffing him along our walks. The humans have been giving me some time to adjust. I appreciate that, especially since it's been an eventful couple of weeks.
With Freddy's help, I'm feeling up to posting again. He'll bring a toy over and we'll play tug of war...if I can get my jaws on the toy at the time. He sometimes loses his grip on it, and will keep moving it around until he can get a firm bite on it. Aunt Pat's had to move quickly, since she's gotten nipped a couple of times because Fred has used her as a place to stabilize the toy. Other times he'll take a toy I want to play with, and then I'll get a toy he usually likes to play with, like the ball I have in my mouth. I'll play with it for a while and then drop it, hoping he'll drop the toy I want long enough for me to get it. If he's not doing it fast enough, I'll give him one of my irresistibly cute looks that often works on the humans. Yesterday, I really wanted to play with the tree stump. The squirrel toys that were inside had been chewed up a while ago, but the stump was still good.
Freddy likes the tennis ball, but he's discovered that tug of war is difficult, at best with the ball. So I wasn't sure if it would work. But I think the super cute look was the kicker. Plus, it didn't hurt that I dropped the tennis ball so it would grab his attention. It worked! I was happy to get the toy, so I didn't have to whine and go to Aunt Pat for help. Not that she helps much anyway. I usually get a little lecture about sharing.
Anyway, enough about me. Freddy's been a very busy dog. Plus he had a family reunion, of sorts. More, in the next post!
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