Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I bet you thought I'd say something silly, like Happy Howl-oween.  But, I didn't.  Or, I bet you thought I'd say something like "It was a dark and stormy night.  The wind howled."  Nope.  Not gonna do it.  Yes, it is Halloween, and we all hope you have a safe and happy one.  Please, don't give chocolate to your dog.  It's poison, and can cause some very nasty problems, even death.  We highly recommend Charlee Bears or Zukes Mini large quantities.  They're low in calories, and are very tasty.  Sometimes diet food can be pretty blech.  We won't be trick or treating.  We'll be upstairs sleeping, and barking at the doorbell, er, keeping Aunt Pat company.

 The past couple of days have been all business for us.  We weathered our "dark and stormy night" from Sandy just fine.  The power flickered a couple of times, but it stayed on.  It did go out a block away, and the last two mornings we've heard generators on our walks.  The storm was very loud.  Aunt Pat and Daddy had a hard time sleeping.  I was concerned about falling debris in the yard and insisted upon going out a couple of times to check on things.  Daddy put a leash, of all things, on me to make sure I didn't blow away.
 We didn't have any trees or shrubs uprooted, but there were a lot of leaves and sticks in the yard.  Freddy and I have been picking up the sticks.  Freddy likes to have Aunt Pat throw one before he picks it up, or have her chase him.
 Of course, I supervise and make sure he stays on task.  He'll lay down with the stick and bite it so Aunt Pat can put it in a trash bag or bundle it up with other sticks.
Sometimes I like to play a little too...only when I think nobody's watching.

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