The other day, Aunt Pat came home from grocery shopping to find her program from the musical "Cats" on the floor in the family room. I didn't chew on it. If I see a piece of paper laying around that interests me, like a paper napkin or a tissue Aunt Pat used, I'll just eat it. Chloe's the chewer She'll go into the garbage can in Daddy's room if the humans are out and she gets anxious or bored, or if Aunt Pat is home and isn't paying as much attention to Chloe as she thinks she should get. This time, the program was in a magazine rack on the floor near the television stand. But, Chloe chose carefully, since the Cats program was behind Aunt Pat's Phantom of the Opera program. I'm not sure it upset Chloe that the musical was about cats, or that Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, or anybody else, has written a show about dogs. We should have equal time. Dogs have had a supporting role in some shows, like Annie, but it's time we were the center attraction.

I have to give Chloe credit on this one. She's been helping Aunt Pat in the garden without being asked to. She's been weeding the strawberry patch, since Aunt Pat can't get the hoe beneath the mesh netting she has over the plants to keep the birds out. I think Chloe feels guilty for what she did, even though Aunt Pat didn't get mad.

Chloe is doing well with her lessons. She learned "come" quickly, and Aunt Pat is working on "sit". I show Chloe how to do it whenever Aunt Pat gets the biskees out. Once I get my biskee, Aunt Pat goes to Chloe and tries to get her to do it. Of course I follow behind Aunt Pat to make sure Chloe sits appropriately. At first, Chloe tries to hop up to make sure she gets her soft treat.
But, she does sit, most of the time. I think Aunt Pat may be rushing Chloe to sit because she thinks I'm after the treat. It's not true...although I'll be there to lick up anything that may drop.