The weather's been so nice lately we've been spending more time outside. It's been nice to see more of the neighbors, too. Mr. S. told us how nice we looked, and he also told us his daughter would be home for Easter and she'd be bringing Stella-her yellow lab, with her! We can't wait to bark...at her, uh, oops, I mean see her! I hope we don't scare her like we did last year.

I don't think Aunt Pat minds being outside instead of at the computer. She's had us help her with the Spring cleanup. Chloe and I have been taking the sticks away from her and chewing them up, err, breaking them down into smaller pieces in order to discard them. Plus, I've been nudging her to throw the stick to me and to rub my tummy when I think she needs a break. You don't think she's put us to work because she's upset that we pulled her away from the computer and from some Spring Training baseball games on television?

No, of course she wouldn't. Aunt Pat has told us she wants us to get some more exercise and to enjoy the sunshine while it's here. Even though it's nice now, we could have a snow storm at any time. Daddy and Aunt Pat are keeping the snow shovel by the back door just in case. If they put it away, I know we'll have a snow storm!