Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beating The Heat...

...with a haircut!  Well, it's more than just a haircut.  Daddy dropped me off at the Groomer the other day and I had a lovely bath and pampering. As you can see from my "before" photo, I needed it!  Here's my "after" photo.

As you can see, I was very happy afterwards.  I've been able to enjoy a little time outside a lot more with all that extra hair off.  But not much, though.  Daddy and Aunt Pat won't let me stay outside for too long since it's been so hot.  And, we haven't been able to go for as many walkies as usual.  I make sure I get into the shade...once I've had some time sunning myself.  But, Aunt Pat will shoo me into the house, or else sprinkle me with water from the hose if she thinks I need to cool off.  Killjoy. 

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