Sunday, September 25, 2011

What Every Girl Needs!

 Okay, and every boy needs, too.  A day at the spa, err, Groomer!  As you can see from my before photo, I was a little, well, more than a little scruffy.  But a morning of pampering resulted in this:

They always do such a lovely job.  I am wearing two bows in this photo, it's just at a jaunty angle.  The other is a little more towards the rear.   

This is Freddy's "before" photo.  You really can't see much of a difference between his before and after, but Daddy and Aunt Pat can tell he's not shedding as much.
Freddy behaved very well during his visit.  He was a real gentleman, err, gentledog, and everybody seemed to like him.  I was very happy about that.  You know how guys can be sometimes, especially when you're at a salon.  Some guys don't have the patience for all the girl bark, err, talk that goes on, as well as the gossip.  But, he was a real trooper.  I think he and his Groomer, a guy, were able to talk baseball or football or other guy stuff.  Afterwards, Aunt Pat took us for a walk.  Freddy still limps, but doesn't seem to be in more pain.  Daddy and Aunt Pat want to take him to the Vet they took Heidi to for her therapy to see if they can help him.    Anyway, we helped Aunt Pat with some things she wanted to do upstairs in the bedroom she uses as a computer room.  All in all, it was a lovely day.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'd Like To Introduce

my new brother, Freddy!  He's a 7 year old Yellow Labrador Retriever.  Same breed as Heidi was, but he's a guy, and he's a different color.  Our Vet connected us with his human. She's having some health problems and needed to find him a good home.  So, they recommended us!  So, she brought him over here a couple of weeks ago, and then, last weekend, we went to his house to visit!  He's a very sweet boy.  Very affectionate, even with me.  Last Saturday he planted a big, wet, sloppy kiss on my face!  Both Daddy and Aunt Pat fell in love with him right away.  I like him, too. 

However, as his sister, I have a big responsibility.  I have to show him the ropes around here!  Today, I took it pretty easy on him. Once he got here, we briefly played chase around the back yard.  Sometimes I ran after him, other times he ran after me!  It's all in good fun, of course. I introduced him to one of our neighbors, Mr. S.  His daughter has a yellow lab girl named Stella we've mentioned before. Then we hung out on the sofa and watched a baseball game.
After dinner, Daddy took me for our usual walk around the neighborhood.  He didn't take Freddy.  Freddy limps a little.  He probably has arthritis like Heidi did.  He was limping quite a bit this evening after all the horsing around we did outside.  
 So, Daddy and Aunt Pat are going to take him to the Vet they took Heidi too.  You know, the one where she got to go into the whirlpool, and walk on the treadmill underwater...and generally have people fuss all over her and tell her what a good girl she was.  No, I'm not jealous.  My humans fuss over me and tell me what a good girl I am all the time!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

End of the Season Gardening

Aunt Pat and I took advantage of some nice weather to do some end of the season gardening.  I ate, err we picked the rest of the beans.  But, there are still some carrots left, and the strawberries need some tending.  The carrots are delicious, if I do say so myself. 

I haven't found any strawberries in a while.  Aunt Pat said it was due to the really hot summer we had.  They're supposed to be ever bearing plants-which means they grow all summer long, but I guess Mother Nature had other plans.

One thing I like more than working in the yard, is laying in the sun.  Laying in the sun and having a tummy rub is the absolute best! If I look a little tired in these pictures, it's because I had a very busy weekend.  Saturday, Daddy and Aunt Pat took me to the pet store!  We bought a present for a new friend of mine and we went to see him.  More details about that this weekend, along with a big announcement...and photos!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Enjoying the Summer

The weather's been so nice, so the best thing to do is to get out and enjoy it!  It won't be long until it gets colder and the snow starts to fall.  The humans have been taking me out for more frequent walkies, which has been nice.  We've met more neighbors and their dogs.  Last night when Daddy had me out for walkies, we saw our neighbor who was walking a lovely Springer Spaniel.  I was so excited to see him.  Our neighbor is dog sitting for a friend, so I wanted to make sure he felt welcome. 

Daddy and Aunt Pat even had a garage sale!  At first when they talked about it, I thought they were going to actually sell the garage!  But, then she walked me past one of the neighbors garage sales, and then I realized what she meant.  Silly humans.  Why call it a garage sale or a yard sale if you're not actually selling the garage or the yard?  Of course, I was at the kitchen door just begging to get out and greet our prospective customers!  Some ladies commented on how cute I am.  Yes, this picture was from earlier in the summer, not too long after I'd gone to the Groomer.  I was waiting for Aunt Pat to let me out so I could go play with the bird  in the back yard. 

But anyway, my friend Lucy came over with her people!  I was so happy to see her.  Aunt Pat brought me out and we ran around the back yard together.  She even took video!  Aunt Pat tried to upload it here, but the system is being a bit buggy right now.

We've also had a couple of other dogs over to visit, and I think one may be coming to live with us! I don't want to say anything else until he's really here, because I'm afraid I'll jinx it.