She seems to be doing better every day! She's a little stronger and when we're out in the yard, she'll bark at the neighbors again. She'll also lead us to the fence to see what's going on in front of the house.

Daddy got a new type of dog food from the Vet today too. It's a prescription bland diet-I didn't see anything bland about it when I had a taste. Neither did Chloe.
Aunt Pat took Katie to the Vet last Thursday. He thinks Katie's doing better, too, and he doubts that her illness was due to the bacteria that the Emergency Vet had drawn blood to check. He switched her antibiotic, but he didn't have the medicine in the office to dispense. He wrote a prescription that Aunt Pat took to the pharmacy to get filled. Just like the humans get their medicine! The paper tag on the bag the medicine came in had a notice of privacy that needs to be signed. I hope Katie doesn't get into trouble for not signing it. It does say Counsel, new customer on the bag, and their privacy policy that needs to be signed and returned to the pharmacy. First off, Katie doesn't know how to write. Secondly, she doesn't have thumbs, so she can't hold a pen unless she puts it in her mouth. She could maybe make an "x", but a paw print might be better. There isn't enough room for one on the form, though.

The Vet stopped the antibiotic today, though. It was getting obvious that this medicine was irritating Katie's tummy from the, well, deposits she's left in the back yard. Katie keeps eating grass in the back yard, and her stomach is just irritated enough that she's thrown up a couple of times, too. But, she's been right back at the water bowl afterwards, and wanting to eat, so the humans know it's just the grass and not something else. A girl has to get her fiber somehow, right? Especially since Aunt Pat pulled her bean plants out. Just because a girl likes beans so much I ate them right off the plant, and well, maybe I walked on some of the plants so they accidentally came out of the ground, doesn't mean the whole plot is ruined.