Yesterday, Katie seemed fine in the morning. She took her pills with some bread and even ate a little of the boiled hamburger and rice. But a little later in the morning, Daddy noticed that Katie was behind one of the chairs in the living room throwing up. So, Daddy called the Vet and they wanted to see her. He also had to get a sample of her pee, but wouldn't you know, she'd already gone. Daddy followed Katie around the yard with a hamburger patty keeper from Tupperware hidden in his pocket. It's a good thing Aunt Pat had one in her cabinet that she wasn't using. Daddy wanted to make sure he got one before he left for work, so the nice lady at the Vet's office suggested that he take Katie for a walk. Sure enough, Katie had to go while on their walk so he took the sample to the Vet on his way to work. Aunt Pat took her over. The Vet thought that Katie's vomiting could be due to the medication she's on for her infection, so he said to stop it. He's also a little concerned that Katie showed a little sugar in her urine, and the protein levels were elevated. But, the sugar could be from the stress of the infection. He wants to have another urine specimen for tomorrow's appointment, and may want to do some blood work to see what's going on, depending on how she looks tomorrow.

I think the Vet was right that the medicine was causing Katie's stomach upset. She hasn't had it today, and Katie hasn't thrown up! She's eaten some of the boiled hamburger and rice, and has had some of the bread she, well, we all like so much. Heck, we all like the boiled hamburger and rice, too. Aunt Pat has to give us some in order for us to eat our regular food. I'm also becoming partial to yellow and green beans I pick fresh from the garden, or Aunt Pat drops when she's in the garden, but that's another post. We've been worried about Katie so we haven't eaten much. She's been acting fine. Tomorrow, I have to go to the Vet, too. I have to get vaccinated. That means shots. But, at least I'll get to go for a ride in the car and free biskees.
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