and he was happy about how Katie was doing. He thought that since Katie hadn't vomited again, it confirmed that the medication was making her sick. They took the urine specimen that Daddy got this morning, but didn't say anything about it. They also took some blood from Katie. They'll let us know if there's anything to be concerned about. Of course, while Katie was being examined, I had to edge up to the table and stick my nose in. The humans thought it was funny, but I wanted to see what was going on. They did give her her rabies vaccine, and I got my distemper shot. Heck, I'm always in good temper, especially if there's a biskee around! I also gained a pound since my last visit. It has nothing to do with all the biskees I've been eating. The Vet didn't say that there was anything wrong with my weight, so I have no reason to change my habits. Once it cools off a little, I'm sure I'll be more interested in playing fetch other than for a few tosses in the morning.

Aunt Pat stayed home, since Daddy wanted to be sure Chloe didn't get into any trouble. When both humans are gone, she gets a little nervous and will pull the garbage bag out of Daddy's can. She's also been known to chew things...like Daddy's baseball cards and photographs. But, Chloe behaved herself today. She ran to the front window when we left, and Aunt Pat said that she stayed on her table, watching. She barked at the Mailman when he came, but didn't bark when Daddy pulled the car in. She didn't start barking until Aunt Pat told her we were home.

Aunt Pat regretted that, since Chloe barked at anything moving outside once we got home. The neighbors across the street were outside with their dog, so I think Chloe was barking at him. We met Mrs. M last week
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