Our Chloe will sit on the table in the living room, and bark at the neighbors, and anyone else who passes by. She's scared a few kids selling stuff so much they turned around and went to another house! If we're outside and she spots a squirrel, Chloe will watch it like a cat stalking it's prey, and then chase it.

However, the other day, Aunt Pat noticed a bunny in the front yard. But, Chloe wasn't barking. If Chloe were outside, she would have barked immediately and ran after it. Aunt Pat wasn't sure if Chloe had seen the bunny. So, she moved the sheer curtain aside so Chloe could get a good look. Still, no barking. Aunt Pat even pointed out the bunny to Chloe, but Chloe didn't move. The bunny didn't hop away until Aunt Pat opened the front door to get a better photo.

I'm sure you're asking, "So, what's the big deal if Chloe didn't bark a rabbit?" I know that Chloe knows how Aunt Pat can get with her camera, and she expected that Aunt Pat would open the door to get a better look and scare the bunny in the process. Chloe's a smart girl. We've been more tired this week because of all the walks we've taken, and I think Chloe was conserving her energy. Don't get me wrong, we get very excited when it's time for "walkies", but we also like a good rest afterwards.