Last night she was supposed to have her last Obedience Class, but it was cancelled because of rain. She was so excited because it was graduation day, and she thought she was valedictorian! Last week, Chloe overheard one of the instructors tell Aunt Pat how well she did with the Sit, Stay, Come exercise. The instructor put Chloe on one end of a 36 foot leash, then Aunt Pat walked to the other end. Chloe had to Sit, and Stay, then come when Aunt Pat called her. She was one of the best behaved dogs! I'm sure Chloe thought she was the best dog, and she knows that the smartest student in class gives the valedictory speech. It was all written, too. She was ready to speak about how this obedience class wasn't the end of their education, it was the beginning of life-long learning, that would enhance the bond of trust and improve communication between canine and human. Chloe tried to practice the speech in front of Aunt Pat, but Aunt Pat thought Chloe's vocalizations and foot-stomping meant that Chloe needed to go potty. So much for enhanced communication between canine and human.

Class is rescheduled for next Monday. I don't think there's going to be a graduation ceremony. The instructors will probably hand out the course completion certificates at the end. I tried to tell this to her, but she won't listen. Katie and I have been helping Chloe study. Of course the extra treats are a great motivator, too, but we want her to succeed. We'll also make sure that we keep practicing once class ends. After all, practice makes perfect...and tastes great!

Class is rescheduled for next Monday. I don't think there's going to be a graduation ceremony. The instructors will probably hand out the course completion certificates at the end. I tried to tell this to her, but she won't listen. Katie and I have been helping Chloe study. Of course the extra treats are a great motivator, too, but we want her to succeed. We'll also make sure that we keep practicing once class ends. After all, practice makes perfect...and tastes great!

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