can be rather scary! Not just for us, either. Earlier this week, Daddy had us outside so we could make a night time pit stop. We heard this awful yowling coming from one of the neighbor's yards. At night, it's a little hard to tell what direction any noise is coming from, and the sound seems so much louder than during the day. Daddy looked concerned and told Aunt Pat about it. They got the flashlight out so Daddy could take a look, but by that time, the yowling was done.

I'm sure it was a neighborhood cat...and nothing else. We've seen, and barked at more than our fair share of wandering cats during the day. At night, we'll hear the leaves rustle from the wind and traffic noise from the streets around us and the nearby expressway. But, a day or so after our encounter with the mysterious yowl, there was a bear sighting in our town. Plus, a few months ago, someone who works at our Vet's office saw a coyote a couple of miles away.

I wasn't scared, but I think Katie and Chloe were. Since then, Katie will stay within the light of the motion sensor, do her business and go right back in. If the light goes out, boy, the human gets "the look" from Katie. Granted, she was never one to dawdle at night. She's always the first one back inside and likes to go right back to bed. Chloe has restarted her perimeter patrols. She slacked off the past few months, but is faithfully sniffing around the yard whenever we're out. I've kept my usual routine. I'll do my thing and either go right back in with Katie, or, if it's nice out, I'll lay in the grass and keep the human company. Yes, there's always a human outside with us day and night. During the day, Aunt Pat might go in to fold laundry, but she's right next to the door and will open it and come out to check on us. I usually will sit or lay by the door until
she returns. It never hurts to be careful.
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