Friday, February 26, 2010

Chloe's Bored

We had a snowstorm last night and today, and poor Chloe is bored. It's the town's fault, really. When Aunt Pat took us for a walk this afternoon, the bottom of the driveway was snowed in. The town plow had been around to clear the street. Now, I'm all for clear, safe streets, especially when I'm going for a car ride. But to shove the snow in my driveway, err, our driveway is a little much. We had to turn around and go right back into the house, instead of going for a walk. We were looking forward to saying "Hi" to the kids who Chloe had barked at earlier when they played in the snow across the street. Granted, Aunt Pat had told us we were only going to the end of the driveway and back to the house anyway, but I thought Chloe and I could convince her to go a little further. I even made a lovely snow angel at the end of the driveway. But, thanks to the town highway department, Chloe and I didn't get to go anywhere.Aunt Pat got the snow blower out, and then had to go out for gas. I was willing to give her some of mine, but you can't use it for the snow blower.
We had a lot of snow, though. Aunt Pat put a yardstick in some snow in the back yard, and it measured a little over 15 inches. Aunt Pat shoveled for us when we went out at 3:30 this morning, and later in the morning, Daddy got the snow blower out. Even though the humans did all that work, Chloe and I had to have some fun. Chloe ran through the snow by the back fence like a little maniac this morning. I'm sure the G's had a good laugh if they were watching. I waded through the snow a little, too, but I preferred to sample the snow. It was very tasty.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm Feeling Better, But....

I don't know what I have to do to convince the humans that I'm good! Okay, just because I'm still limping a little, and at night I still need a little coaxing to come up the stairs doesn't mean I shouldn't go for walkies! I was so upset about being left home, I started crying! Daddy gave me a nice tummy rub and made me feel better.

Aunt Pat felt so bad, she put me on the leash yesterday and walked me down to the end of the driveway. The garbage men had come for the recycling, so I helped her bring the bins back to the garage! Today I stopped at the rear door of her car, hoping she'd take us for a ride, but no such luck. Sure, I got to go for a ride Monday, and she told me I'll get to go for a ride tomorrow, but why limit our fun to two days this week? We don't always have to have a destination when we go out. Besides, getting there is half the fun, so they say. In Chloe and my case, getting there is the fun.

We hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. We hung out and relaxed.
The humans got us some special treats. Mine were big, but Chloe's were a little more her size.

Chloe was very helpful cleaning up the crumbs. She's been very helpful and attentive since I pulled that muscle.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Humans Aren't The Only Ones...

excited about baseball season! I never realized how big a fan Chloe is of baseball. But yesterday,
Aunt Pat came home and found one of Daddy's baseball cards on the floor in the living room. Somebody had chewed the corner and part of the center of it. Aunt Pat didn't see Chloe chew it, but the chew marks were too small for me to make. Aunt Pat wasn't upset, since the player wasn't one of the Cubs, her favorite team. Daddy wasn't upset either, since it was a card that came in the frame he used to display his older cards.

When Daddy got home from work, he saw the card on his bed. Chloe ran into his room and when Daddy showed her the card, she grabbed it from his hand and ran into Aunt Pat's room! There, she settled down on the rug and chewed the rest of the top of the card off.

Daddy was concerned that Chloe might have some tummy trouble from eating the card, but she's been fine.

I'm feeling better, too. But, the Rehab Vet doesn't want me to do too much, even though I want to. I'm afraid I need to work on the sad pathetic puppy look. Aunt Pat just sighs and tells me "Sorry, Heidi, you have to take it easy" when I drop a stick at her feet to play fetch. Throwing it myself just isn't the same. When she's ready to take Chloe for a walk, I'll bark when she's putting Chloe's leash on. I'll even jump up and down a little when I bark, to show her I'm really okay to walk. Heck, I went to the Rehab Vet and even did a little walking on the underwater treadmill without a problem. I was so relaxed, I fell asleep during the ultrasound treatment. I also had another Adequan shot. I felt so good this afternoon, I did my jumpy bark when Aunt Pat was bending over to get her boots on, and I accidentally smacked her in the head. Thankfully Aunt Pat's glasses didn't break, and she doesn't have any bruises. Oh well, I guess I'll have to stay quiet...and practice being the sad puppy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Just a Quick Note...

Aunt Pat hasn't been feeling well, so I haven't been able to post...since, well, I can't type or turn on the computer. But, I'm feeling better. I'm only limping when I first get up after resting for a while, and I'm walking much better. I've had a couple of more shots of the Adequan, which may be helping as well. Chloe's been feeling a little cooped up the past couple of days and has been rather bouncy today with pent-up energy. The past couple of days it's been too cold for walkies. But, at least today they were able to get out for a short stroll. I wanted to go too, but Aunt Pat was able to block me from getting out the door.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Gates and Shelf Liner on the Kitchen Floor

No, it's not Aunt Pat's new idea in home decor. All I did was pull a's not that big a deal. I still want to play fetch and go for walkies. They noticed I was limping, and took me to the Rehab Vet yesterday. I don't know how I did it, although I probably slid on the snow. But, I pulled my iliopsoas muscle. In English, it's a muscle in my groin. It was rather sore when the Rehab Vet touched it, but she was relieved that I hadn't hurt my knee. She said this type of muscle pull is very common in dogs, especially ones like me who have arthritis. The Rehab Vet's people gave me an ultrasound treatment, and a lovely massage. They also showed Daddy and Aunt Pat how to give me a massage, and told them to use moist heat in the area. I must admit, I'm enjoying that part of treatment. No wonder I like the Rehab Vet and everyone who works there so much.

But, I think Daddy and Aunt Pat are overreacting. Yesterday, this baby gate showed up. Granted, the Rehab Vet said that I should take it easy and limit my stairs, but this is ridiculous! Come on, I have a job to do. I have to make sure the humans are okay when they're working around here, especially Aunt Pat. If I don't hear them moving around or doing something once they've left the room, I have to check on them.

So now, we're pretty much confined to the main level, except at night and early in the morning. We're using the kitchen door to go outside to the back yard to potty. That way we avoid having to climb the stairs to the main level from the downstairs. The good thing about that is that there's less of a wait for treats. The bad thing, is passing Aunt Pat's car without getting in it!
Chloe's been very concerned. She's been sniffing me a lot, and nuzzling me to see if I'm okay. She's been trying to get me to play, but Aunt Pat doesn't think that's a good idea. Since the weather's been nicer, Aunt Pat has taken Chloe for walks. I get left home, since I'm supposed to rest. Aunt Pat calls it "Keeping an eye on the home front." I know she's trying to make me feel better, and I appreciate the thought, but I'd rather go with them. I rest in the kitchen while they're out, on the shelf liner Aunt Pat put down. The Rehab Vet recommended it. I'll admit, it's nice not to slip when I'm getting up or walking.