We had a snowstorm last night and today, and poor Chloe is bored. It's the town's fault, really. When Aunt Pat took us for a walk this afternoon, the bottom of the driveway was snowed in. The town plow had been around to clear the street. Now, I'm all for clear, safe streets, especially when I'm going for a car ride. But to shove the snow in my driveway, err, our driveway is a little much. We had to turn around and go right back into the house, instead of going for a walk. We were looking forward to saying "Hi" to the kids who Chloe had barked at earlier when they played in the snow across the street. Granted, Aunt Pat had told us we were only going to the end of the driveway and back to the house anyway, but I thought Chloe and I could convince her to go a little further. I even made a lovely snow angel at the end of the driveway. But, thanks to the town highway department, Chloe and I didn't get to go anywhere.Aunt Pat got the snow blower out, and then had to go out for gas. I was willing to give her some of mine, but you can't use it for the snow blower.
We had a lot of snow, though. Aunt Pat put a yardstick in some snow in the back yard, and it measured a little over 15 inches. Aunt Pat shoveled for us when we went out at 3:30 this morning, and later in the morning, Daddy got the snow blower out. Even though the humans did all that work, Chloe and I had to have some fun. Chloe ran through the snow by the back fence like a little maniac this morning. I'm sure the G's had a good laugh if they were watching.
I waded through the snow a little, too, but I preferred to sample the snow. It was very tasty.