We'd like to wish everyone a very happy Fourth of July. Our founding fathers (and mothers, and their dogs) founded this country on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We feel these principles apply not only to humans, but also to animals...and reptiles. Sometimes animals, like bears, get into trouble and have to be moved elsewhere for everybody's safety. Aunt Pat started a program like that here. Only, the wildlife aren't the problem. Chloe is.
You remember the
May 30th post, when Chloe met her first frog and it didn't turn out so well for the frog? After a few days of sniffing and not finding, Chloe let it rest. Well, Chloe found another frog hiding in the bottom of the generator, and started playing with it. The frog really didn't like it, and neither did the humans. They're afraid the hot exhaust my hurt Chloe if the generator kicks on while she's sniffing around it. They've been telling her "no" and shooing her away from it.
Chloe's gotten the message, and is staying away from the generator...for the most part. Now, she's shifted her attention to the garden. The other day, Aunt Pat noticed that Chloe was sniffing around the lettuce and digging furiously under one of the peony plants. Once she saw Chloe swatting something with her paw, Aunt Pat knew that there was something under there. You guessed it, it was another frog! It clearly didn't want to play.
So, Aunt Pat got an empty berry basket from the garage, and, after a couple of attempts, caught the frog. She wasn't too sure the frog was alive. But, once she got it into the garage, it hopped out of the basket and into one of Daddy's sneakers! I heard Aunt Pat let out a little yelp. She recovered quickly and picked up
the sneaker, frog and all! Then, she took it to the front yard and let the frog out into the bushes by the front porch. Chloe wasn't happy. She sniffed around the garden, but soon realized her friend wasn't there. Until last night, when she found another frog underneath a different peony. She kept digging and did NOT want to go inside, even though there were fireworks going off in the neighborhood. Chloe isn't normally a fan of loud noises, and neither am I. Today Chloe's been sniffing and pawing through the strawberry plants, but hasn't found the new frog again. Daddy tried to find it to move it, but he couldn't. I think it got smart and hopped into the neighbor's yard. But, Aunt Pat isn't so sure. We'll keep watching...and the humans will keep relocating whatever frogs may need it.