Saturday, September 25, 2010

Over The Hill?

Daddy had a milestone birthday on Thursday.  He turned 50, which is basically 7 in dog years.  His co-workers  put these balloons on his desk and gave him a bag full of "old age" related novelty items-like a beer stein sippy cup, a pill holder, a "Caution, Senior Moment in Progress" get the idea.  7 is still a puppy.  I'm older than that and I'm not over the hill.  We're not even close.

I think Chloe forgot that Aunt Pat was taking care of getting Daddy's gift.  When we went outside, she went about her usual perimeter patrol/sniff around the yard with a little more gusto than usual
.  Then, I saw her furiously digging a hole in the garden. I had to see what she was doing. Chloe wouldn't tell me if she had hidden something, or was looking for something to give Daddy, but she stopped the odd behavior once I reminded her.

Maybe Chloe needs that senior moment sign?  Chloe took him for a nice walk before he went to work.  And, we both helped Aunt Pat bake cupcakes.  Anyway, Daddy really liked his presents, and spending time with his friends during his party.

Next week is a busy week for us.  I have an appointment at the Rehab Vet, and both Chloe and I are going to the Groomer!  That makes at least  four car rides in two days!  Maybe tomorrow we can get Aunt Pat to take us for a Sunday drive to make it an even five!

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