Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone has a very happy and safe New Years celebration.  Please, if you're going out, don't drink alcohol and drive.  Have a designated driver.  We want you to be alive to read all about us.  We'll be spending our New Years at home, spending time with Daddy and Aunt Pat.  We left New Years Eve greetings on our last walk of 2010.

And I'm celebrating the "lasts" of 2010.  It's been very warm the last couple of days so most of the snow has melted.  It's been nice to go walkies because the humans haven't had to worry as much about me(or them) slipping on the ice and hurting myself.  Plus, today we found three returnable cans on our morning walk.  In the backyard, I found the last stick of 2010, and had a nice chew.
Once I was finished with that, I enjoyed digging the last hole in the back yard so I can get at the yummy grass.

Chloe has upped her usual surveillance of the back yard.  Lots of new ground to sniff now that the snow has melted.  She's especially keeping an eye out for the squirrels that recently moved into a hole in the attic of our next door  neighbor's house. She'll make sure they don't come over here for a little vacation. 
Humans usually make resolutions to make their lives better in the new year.  My resolutions are to keep taking walks, and eat more Charlee Bears!  Chloe's resolution should be not to be late when Aunt Pat serves dinner.
But, I think hers revolve around getting as many tummy rubs as possible.

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