Chloe and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We hope the blessings of the season will be yours throughout the year. I did a naughty on the carpet last night. I couldn't help it. It's hard to be sure I get enough grass in my diet this time of year. Since the grass is frozen, I get more dirt, too, which can upset my tummy. Well, I was so excited last night about Santa coming, as well as having a little too much dirt, meant that I threw up on the living room rug after Daddy had us outside. I got so upset, I didn't watch where I was walking and made a mess in the dining room. Daddy stepped in it, too. I know Santa is smart enough to know that I didn't do it deliberately, but he was already out delivering presents. He knows when you're bad or good, but let's face it, there's a limit to how much someone can multi-task. The elves would be sending those last minute good and bad child and dog messages, and we all know how something can get lost in translation when messages are passed. Thinking about it now, I overreacted. I was really scared and sad when Daddy sent me upstairs to go back to bed. Things look a lot different at 4 am. I was afraid I ruined Christmas for everybody!
Daddy got the carpet cleaner out, and went to work. Over the sound of the cleaner, I thought I heard sleigh bells. I couldn't tell because I was falling asleep. I assumed Santa was flying over us to the next house. But, hen we got up, there were a pile of presents under the tree! Santa didn't skip us!
Daddy must have explained what happened to Santa and he left us toys! Finally, Chloe has a squirrel she can catch! Plus, he left two big bags of Charlee Bears! I must be a good girl! Daddy saved the day! We were very excited and took a nice nap before our morning walk. Chloe and I exchanged holiday greetings to the rest of the neighborhood dogs at our usual spots.

We helped Daddy and Aunt Pat with their gift selections this year. We told Aunt Pat that we wanted her to make or buy a throw like a New England Patriots pillow Daddy's got. They're Daddy's favorite football team. So, she got the fabric. We told her we would help her make it, especially after the fun we had making the dog throw last year. Once Daddy went out yesterday, we went to work. Chloe kept watch at the window while I helped Aunt Pat. It didn't take too long, but I ended up ruining the surprise. That was another reason I thought I'd wrecked Christmas. After Daddy got home, I went back downstairs to make sure Aunt Pat had picked everything up from the family room. She had, but I should have stayed put. Daddy followed me downstairs before Aunt Pat could close the door of the sewing room. So, he saw it on the sewing machine. At least the Orioles pillow we helped her make was a surprise.

Daddy got Aunt Pat a really big book about her favorite movie, Star Wars. Daddy came home and described it to me. When he asked me if I thought she'd like it, of course I barked. I know how much of a Star Wars fan she is. Daddy also gave us to her, in a way. A man he knows is an artist. He works from photos and does work in charcoal-no, not the bricks you grill with, but the kind you draw with. He took a Christmas photo from a couple of years ago, and gave it to this guy. It looks great! Aunt Pat was very touched and she and Daddy are trying to find a place to hang it so it can be seen.
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