Friday, August 20, 2010

Preserving the Bounty Of The Harvest

I love this time of year!  The garden is in full bloom, and we're harvesting...well, we would be harvesting carrots and beans if Chloe and I hadn't eaten all the plants and carrot sprouts.  Aunt Pat is happy that at least we won't touch the lettuce and spinach.  We...okay, I tried it and didn't like it, so I spat them out.  Whatever I eat, Chloe has to try, so she's not a fan, either.  She'll eat a piece of lettuce or two that Aunt Pat may drop from her salad, but Chloe prefers the grated carrots.  Chloe will paw at Aunt Pat until Chloe gets all the carrot slivers from Aunt Pat's salad.    
Since Aunt Pat can't grow everything she wants at home, she goes to the Farmer's market and farm stands to get fresh fruit and vegetables.  Chloe and I would love to go with her to sniff out the best produce, but for some reason she won't take us.  Aunt Pat says it's because dogs aren't allowed at the Farmer's Market, but I'm not sure she's telling the truth.  She has seen dogs there, but I guess the hot pavement and the crowds wouldn't be such a good thing for Chloe and me.  

Last week Aunt Pat came home with lots of green and yellow beans, and carrots, as well as sweet corn.  They smelled wonderful-I sniff every bag that comes into this house to make sure all the food is the best quality...and to see if maybe she'll share the bounty.  Anyway, Aunt Pat likes to freeze the produce, so all the beans have to be washed, snapped and cut up, before they get blanched.  Chloe and I are always eager to help, and I barked repeatedly, err, reminded her.  Chloe did too, if I didn't bark, then Chloe would jump and hit Aunt Pat in the backside, then sit down and look very cute. 

 Aunt Pat got the hint.  Aunt Pat threw us a few pieces of each color bean, while washing them, and after they'd been blanched and dunked in their ice water bath.  I'm glad they got the ice water bath and not me.  They were delicious!  Don't worry, we left a few for the humans.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I've Been So Relaxed...

since Aunt Pat took us to the Groomer on Thursday, I haven't felt up to posting about it.  Chloe and I love to see everybody, sniff the latest gossip, get pampered, and have a nice break from our humans.  Yes, we love Daddy and Aunt Pat,  but sometimes it's nice to have a little "me" time. I'm sure the same is true for the humans, too.  We had so much fun!  We got there before D, our dear friend and "the boss", so there was a little more levity in the air.  When Aunt Pat left, she peeked inside the back and saw Chloe up on the grooming table sharing a bark, err, joke with her Groomer.  Oh, the hilarity!

And yes, the top photo is my "after" shot.  There isn't a noticeable difference from before and after, unlike Chloe.  Here's her "before" 
You can see she's not too thrilled with having her photo taken in this state.  Here's her "after" photo
Much better!  We were both pretty tired after we got home.  Chloe had to lay down under the dining room table to rest even before Aunt Pat took her harness and leash off. 
 Me, I couldn't wait to get my first biskee for being such a good girl while I was out.  My blue bandanna really brings out my highlights, don't you think?  I'm still wearing it, much to the surprise of Daddy and Aunt Pat.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Got a Package!

When the UPS man pulls up in his big brown truck, it's normally a package for Daddy or Aunt Pat.  But yesterday, it was for me!  Granted, it was addressed to Aunt Pat, but it was really for me.  Daddy went out and helped the guy because there were two big boxes!  I was so excited, I even got up from the sofa and barked!  I don't always get excited about stuff like that, since that time of the afternoon is our usual nap time...and who doesn't enjoy a good nap!

Daddy and Aunt Pat opened the boxes, and out popped this! A new dog bed for me!  This one is special- it's an orthopedic dog bed.  It's made of foam so it'll provide extra support.  I can use it, since I have arthritis.  Daddy and Aunt Pat had a little struggle putting it together, since foam isn't always easy to move.  I went over and gave the innards a good sniff, and wanted to let the humans know I appreciated their efforts.

Once Daddy and Aunt Pat had it assembled, Daddy took it upstairs.  Aunt Pat moved one of the beds that was already in her bedroom, to the den, and Daddy put the new bed in Aunt Pat's room.  I didn't get in it until Aunt Pat got in it first.  I thought I'd let her go first, to be polite, and to make sure it was okay. I let Chloe get in it before I did, because she looked so excited.
  It rained yesterday, and whenever Chloe gets wet, she'll run around the house, and roll on the rug,.  Chloe tries to make drying off a game.  I chased her a little.  But, eventually we got upstairs, and as you can see, Chloe really went to town.

   I waited a little while, but I tried it out.  I even slept in it for a while last night.  It was pretty comfortable.  I still want to sleep in Aunt Pat's bed, but until she lets me in, this bed will do nicely.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oops I Did It Again...

The humans think I tweaked my groin muscle again, but they're not sure how I did it.  I needed a lot of persuading to come up the stairs to the bedrooms Saturday night.  Usually I'll get a couple of extra treats and maybe a massage if it's been raining or really humid to persuade me to come up at bedtime.  If I need extra pain medication at bedtime I'll get that as well.  But, Saturday and last night I needed a lot more help to get up the stairs.  I was pretty stiff after taking my early evening nap and Daddy had to give me a push up.  It's really just the stairs that bother me.  I'm squatting okay, eating-ask Aunt Pat how I outmaneuvered Chloe yesterday to get the rest of her dinner, and otherwise am my normal self, so I don't think it's anything more than a tweaked muscle.  I go to the Rehab Vet Wednesday, and they said to come in a little early so the doctor can examine me. 

In the meantime, I'm not doing much.  A little light gardening here and there helps pass the time.