Monday, August 2, 2010

Oops I Did It Again...

The humans think I tweaked my groin muscle again, but they're not sure how I did it.  I needed a lot of persuading to come up the stairs to the bedrooms Saturday night.  Usually I'll get a couple of extra treats and maybe a massage if it's been raining or really humid to persuade me to come up at bedtime.  If I need extra pain medication at bedtime I'll get that as well.  But, Saturday and last night I needed a lot more help to get up the stairs.  I was pretty stiff after taking my early evening nap and Daddy had to give me a push up.  It's really just the stairs that bother me.  I'm squatting okay, eating-ask Aunt Pat how I outmaneuvered Chloe yesterday to get the rest of her dinner, and otherwise am my normal self, so I don't think it's anything more than a tweaked muscle.  I go to the Rehab Vet Wednesday, and they said to come in a little early so the doctor can examine me. 

In the meantime, I'm not doing much.  A little light gardening here and there helps pass the time. 

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