We'd really like to thank the people at the
Animal Emergency Service for the expert, loving and compassionate care that Katie received during her hospitalizations. We also want to thank everyone at our Vet's office for everything they've done for Katie, as well as Chloe and me. They make sure we stay healthy; are always very willing to answer Daddy or Aunt Pat's questions; they get us in to see the doctor quickly, and treat us, and our humans with care and concern.
After Aunt Pat posted yesterday, the animal hospital called to say Katie could come home! Once Daddy brought her home, I sniffed her thoroughly to make sure she was doing as well as she looked. Of course, Chloe, being the good little student, sniffed Katie too.

We also made sure she knew we missed her and were happy to have her back. Daddy told Aunt Pat that the bandage on Katie's leg, where her I.V. was, should stay on for an hour or so after she got home. We
tried to get Katie to keep it on, but around 10 minutes after she got home, Katie had chewed off the bandage. Katie looked very proud of herself, but the humans didn't share her sense of accomplishment. Chloe and I kept an eye on Katie yesterday and last night once the humans went to bed. Daddy was up frequently to check on her, too, but we would've woken them up if needed.

Her blood tests for her kidneys look better, and we're waiting for the test results of her adrenal gland function. Aunt Pat took Katie to our Vet today, since she had a regular appointment to have another blood test done to check for Leptospirosis. He thought she looked better, and would let us know the results of the adrenal and the Lepto tests. He said he wouldn't change anything the Emergency Vets did for her right now. He also trimmed her nails and cleaned out her anal glands again, since Aunt Pat noticed Katie butt scooting again last night. Katie's on a special bland diet of boiled ground turkey mixed with low fat cottage cheese and rice that she gets anywhere from 4-6 times a day. She's also on another antibiotic, and is back on the stomach medicine. She's been eating well, and hasn't thrown up or had any diarrhea. Katie spent part of yesterday afternoon catching up on her sleep, but she's been peppier today.

The humans have noticed that I've been scratching at my ears more lately, and Daddy made an appointment for me to see the Vet next Wednesday morning. I wonder if
I'll get to eat 5-6 times a day like Katie? Not that I don't eat whenever I want to now. The humans leave the dry food out, and they'll give me a biskee whenever I bark for one. It would be nice to have the humans surprise me and bring a bowl full of food when I don't expect it.