She's saving her biskees for a rainy day! That's right. She'll take a biskee from Daddy or Aunt Pat, and she'll hide it somewhere in the house to eat later. Daddy found some in behind the cushion in the chair in the living room that Chloe likes to sit or jump on the table from.

Aunt Pat found one in her bedroom, behind a couple of photo albums she has piled on the floor.
Last night she left one at the top of the stairs near the bedrooms. Daddy almost stepped on it, and he almost gave it to me, instead of Chloe. I think he thought it was mine, but I eat my biskees right away. So does Katie.

Mommy stopped by yesterday. It was nice to see her. Our friend the bunny rabbit was back too! We were out in the back yard after dinner, and Chloe and Katie came nose to nose with it. Chloe barked at it, which made the rabbit run away. It got out beneath the gate, with Chloe and Katie in hot pursuit. Chloe's been going over to the gate, sniffing, every time we go out. I stayed with Aunt Pat to make sure she wasn't scared.
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