Saturday, May 30, 2009

When Is a Thunderstorm Not a Thunderstorm...

When it's an Airshow! There's an Airshow this weekend, and the Canadian Snowbirds arrived yesterday to practice. The show is happening over the lake near our home. Aunt Pat told us they might fly over our house, and she was right! Chloe got very excited, since she likes to chase the birds. She was disappointed when Aunt Pat told her they weren't real birds. We weren't ready, however, for the amount of noise they made when they flew over! The jets don't sound like the usual airplanes we see. They're so fast and powerful, they sound like thunder.

Katie does not like thunder. In fact, she can get so scared she tries to hide under the furniture. When this happens, the humans have to give her medicine to help her calm down. Thankfully, she didn't get that frightened, but it was obvious she didn't like the noise. A dog's hearing is very good, heck, I can hear a biskee package being opened two rooms away.

Anyway, Katie heard the noise and must have thought it was thunder. Yesterday we were inside when they first flew over, and Katie did not want to go out to watch. Even after Aunt Pat explained what was happening, Katie preferred to stay inside. Katie wasn't the only one scared. One of Chloe's squirrel friends was walking across one of the wires and hunched down when the Snowbirds made their pass.

Katie came out after the noise abated and she enjoyed the sunshine.

Today, we went out around the times the schedule said the Snowbirds and the other jets would be around. The Snowbirds were a little early for their demonstration, and Chloe and I were outside. They were nice to look at, but even we went in when it got too loud. Let's face it, if you can't chase the bird, where's the fun?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chloe Was Disappointed This Morning

Aunt Pat took us outside after we got back from our morning walk. She put some extra petunias and a couple of geraniums in a box, then put them in the car with a bucket of peat moss and a watering can. She told us she was going to the cemetery to check on the plantings Daddy did Saturday, and put the leftover flowers on a family grave. Chloe's eyes lit up when she heard the plans. We've heard the humans talk about the squirrels and the chipmunks that eat and dig up the flowers. Chloe loves to chase them, and she's come close to catching a couple. Chloe's been camping out beneath the crab apple tree in the back yard, because she's seen several of them next door and in the yard behind us.
So, excited about the potential chasing to come, Chloe jumped into Aunt Pat's car! She ignored Aunt Pat's calling her to come out, of course. When Aunt Pat leaned into the car to get hold of Chloe, Chloe jumped into the front seat.

When Aunt Pat opened the passenger front door, Chloe jumped into the back seat. Chloe jumped into the front seat again, but this time, laid down in the driver's seat! She didn't budge for a while, despite Daddy's coaxing, along with Aunt Pat's sweet talk. I wonder if Chloe thinks driving lessons are part of the obedience class she's taking?

I tried to get in too, but Aunt Pat stopped me. The humans know I want to go for a car ride. Every time we go for a walk, I stop in front of the car door. I'll bark and jump, too, to make sure the humans understand. Chloe gets to go to class once a week, but the last car ride I took was to the Vet. Katie didn't care to go. She ran away from the car towards the door to the back yard.
Aunt Pat didn't want to scare Chloe, but she heard that there have been coyote sightings in the cemetery. They aren't always friendly to dogs, even though we are related, in a way. So, Aunt Pat told Chloe that she couldn't go, because dogs aren't allowed. That's not fair! Chloe let Aunt Pat lead her out of the car, but Chloe wasn't happy. Maybe next trip we'll all get to go somewhere the pet store!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Katie's Not The Only Skinny Girl Around Here

I've lost weight too! Aunt Pat took me to the Vet earlier this week so I could have my nails trimmed and these warts on my face examined. Daddy and Aunt Pat wanted to be sure they weren't a problem because they're close to my eyes, and the one on my snout looked a little funny. The Vet said they were just warts, and that he could remove them if necessary. But, I'm not scratching or pawing at them, or rubbing my face along the ground at all, so we'll leave well enough alone.

We're not sure how much weight I've lost. The Vet Tech said 6 pounds, but none of us could believe it. The humans have been watching my diet and I've been exercising more, but not that much! The Vet Tech thought I must have been moving around when getting weighed the last time, so my weight wasn't accurate. They still think I should keep up with the diet and exercise. Too bad. I was hoping to bark my way, err, ask nicely for some extra biskees.

This week in class Chloe started to learn "Come", Stay", how to walk properly on a leash, and how to go down without getting a food treat. Yeah, right. Chloe's a smart girl. She'll lay down when the humans tell her to, but a yummy piece of turkey or chicken held in front of her face shows her where to go. Sometimes the humans use the word "down" when Chloe gets up on them. They need to be consistent...and give up the treats. Hopefully Aunt Pat can get Chloe to do it before the next class. We've even been doing our training exercises outside, to make sure it's not the distractions.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chloe's Going Green!

Chloe heard that going green means doing things that are more Earth friendly. I don't think she realized it meant reducing our carbon paw print to protect the environment. Chloe took a more literal approach and became very friendly with the earth! She rolled around in the wet grass last night and Daddy found these green spots on her coat when he got up this morning!

When Aunt Pat cleaned Chloe up, she tried to explain to Chloe the difference between protecting the environment and getting friendly with the Earth. Recycling dog food cans; using a mulching lawn mower; buying wholesome dog food; and cleaning up our waste on our walks so it doesn't contaminate the ground water if it were to get washed into the sewer during a rainstorm are examples of being environmentally friendly. Rolling around in the wet grass; picking up clumps of grass or leaves, throwing them and pouncing on them are examples of getting friendly with the Earth.

Aunt Pat and I thought that Chloe understood. After all, she's learned the obedience behaviors faster than either Katie or me. I'm not so sure now, though. This evening when we went outside, Chloe did it again! She rolled around in the damp grass and she's got some grass stains on her again! Aunt Pat thinks Chloe just likes rolling around in the grass.

Katie went to the Vet Friday. Daddy noticed her scooting across the yard a little, and that she seemed to have a hard time when she did a number two. So, he figured he'd better call and have her seen to be safe. They got a little out of the one anal gland she has left and she's been fine since. While they were there, they weighed her. Katie has lost a pound! Tuesday, Aunt Pat is taking me to the Vet to get my nails cut and to have these warty-looking things on my face looked at. Aunt Pat hopes to get me on the scale. My collar looks a little looser, so hopefully I've lost some weight. We'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Chloe Did IT!!!

This evening, when Aunt Pat was handing out our treats, err, practicing our Obedience training, Chloe did her puppy push-ups! That is, she did a down, then a sit, then another down for a total of three times! Aunt Pat was so happy! Maybe the trip to the Groomer helped her. Looking good always makes you feel better. This is Chloe before.

This is Chloe after:

This is Katie before:

This is Katie after:

What a difference!! I had to give both girls a thorough sniff. Then, we went outside since they hadn't been out in a while.

We didn't stay out too long, though. Katie headed for the door and it was a good thing, too. Not too long after we went in, it poured!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm A Smart Girl Too!

Chloe isn't the only smart dog in the house. This week in class she and Aunt Pat learned Sit, Down, Touch, and they played "Pass the Puppy", which involved having one's collar grabbed by other humans in class who were positioned in a circle, and getting treats from them. I'd be a little shy about this one if I'd been there, since our humans are always careful of having us around strangers. Plus, Aunt Pat was worried that Chloe would chase the nearest squirrel if somebody didn't have a good grip on her collar. Thankfully, everything went well. Chloe jumped on Aunt Pat a couple of times during the exercise. I think Chloe wanted Aunt Pat to know where she was, and she wanted Aunt Pat to see what a good girl she was.

Chloe and Aunt Pat had worked on Sit before, so Chloe did just fine, until one of the Instructors came around to check on them. Then, she froze, and Aunt Pat had to use the "tickle spot" method of running her fingers down her spine down to her tush, to get Chloe to sit. I wonder if she got cold feet or if she got distracted by the treats the Instructor wore on her belt.

I'm an old pro at Sit. I've been sitting to command for a while now and I'm more than happy to demonstrate for my sisters, especially if it means extra chicken pieces. Granted, the chicken pieces Aunt Pat uses as a special reward are extremely small, so the more the better! When we're doing our, err, Chloe's homework, I have to bark to get Aunt Pat's attention so we can do another demonstration...and get another treat.

We all need extra time with Down. Aunt Pat holds the treat in front of us and lowers it to the ground. Katie and I both like to look down in case Aunt Pat has dropped a treat on the floor. I'll stand up to look below where I was laying to see if any crumbs have fallen, and we're used being upright when we eat. Aunt Pat has had to run her fingers down our spines again looking for the magic spot in order for us to get down. By this Monday's class, Chloe has to go down and up three times consecutively. I think Aunt Pat's praying for rain.

Chloe and Katie have an appointment at the Groomer tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe once Chloe has a new look, she'll be in the mood to show off on Monday.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


is our new favorite word! This is us before. We're hanging out in the family room, and Aunt Pat is talking to Chloe and Katie about the evening activities. Then, she said the word "walkies".

This is how we reacted! Chloe and I barked, jumped and I even spun around a couple of times. Katie didn't jump around like Chloe and I did, but she whined rather loudly, and put her front paws on Aunt Pat's leg so she could clip the leash on her. She is a more genteel dog. When the usual time for both our walks approaches, Katie will wag her tail and give Aunt Pat "the look" that means "Let's go!" If Aunt Pat doesn't get the hint, Katie will sit down and keep giving her "the look". If that doesn't work, then Katie will start yodeling and chirping. Usually Aunt Pat understands the demands pretty quickly. But, I'm sure Aunt Pat understands what Katie wants and is just letting her know who's boss by making her wait.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chloe Has Homework...

and boy is it tasty! Last Monday, Aunt Pat went to the first obedience class. She didn't take Chloe since this class was strictly informational. Last week Aunt Pat bought a new collar and a matching leash for Chloe. All human kids going to school get new clothes, so why shouldn't Chloe?

Anyway, Aunt Pat told us all what to expect, so we could make sure Chloe stayed calm. We knew homesickness wouldn't be a problem, since Aunt Pat would be there with her. Plus, we wanted her to know this was a lot different than the usual car rides where we go to the Vet.

Last evening, we went for our evening walkies early, so Chloe wouldn't be as hyper as she usually is around new dogs and new people. It seemed to work. Chloe was very excited and a little distracted by all the new dogs but she did well. Chloe and Aunt Pat stayed away from some of the bigger dogs because they seemed a little too intimidating.

They worked on name recognition, where Chloe got a treat whenever Aunt Pat called her name and Chloe looked at her, and a couple of other behaviours where Chloe got rewarded for responding to her name while doing other things. Plus, the trainers want the class to work on massage-making sure the dogs are used to being handled at the Vet, groomer, etc. They have to practice three times a day for 5 minutes each time. Of course, Katie and I have to get our reward, er, demonstrate and reinforce the proper response. The boiled chicken breast Aunt Pat uses for the special treat is yummy! The massages are great, too! I know, we're on a diet and we have to watch our snacking. But, we're taking two walks a day and our strolls are getting a little longer each week. Plus, we're outside a lot more now that the weather is nice, so I'm sure what ever extra calories we're eating are being burned off.