Aunt Pat took us outside after we got back from our morning walk. She put some extra petunias and a couple of geraniums in a box, then put them in the car with a bucket of peat moss and a watering can. She told us she was going to the cemetery to check on the plantings Daddy did Saturday, and put the leftover flowers on a family grave. Chloe's eyes lit up when she heard the plans. We've heard the humans talk about the squirrels and the chipmunks that eat and dig up the flowers. Chloe loves to chase them, and she's come close to catching a couple. Chloe's been camping out beneath the crab apple tree in the back yard, because she's seen several of them next door and in the yard behind us.

When Aunt Pat opened the passenger front door, Chloe jumped into the back seat. Chloe jumped into the front seat again, but this time, laid down in the driver's seat! She didn't budge for a while, despite Daddy's coaxing, along with Aunt Pat's sweet talk. I wonder if Chloe thinks driving lessons are part of the obedience class she's taking?

I tried to get in too, but Aunt Pat stopped me. The humans know I want to go for a car ride. Every time we go for a walk, I stop in front of the car door. I'll bark and jump, too, to make sure the humans understand. Chloe gets to go to class once a week, but the last car ride I took was to the Vet. Katie didn't care to go. She ran away from the car towards the door to the back yard.

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