When it's an Airshow! There's an Airshow this weekend, and the Canadian Snowbirds arrived yesterday to practice. The show is happening over the lake near our home. Aunt Pat told us they might fly over our house, and she was right! Chloe got very excited, since she likes to chase the birds. She was disappointed when Aunt Pat told her they weren't real birds. We weren't ready, however, for the amount of noise they made when they flew over! The jets don't sound like the usual airplanes we see. They're so fast and powerful, they sound like thunder.

Katie does not like thunder. In fact, she can get so scared she tries to hide under the furniture. When this happens, the humans have to give her medicine to help her calm down. Thankfully, she didn't get that frightened, but it was obvious she didn't like the noise. A dog's hearing is very good, heck, I can hear a biskee package being opened two rooms away.

Anyway, Katie heard the noise and must have thought it was thunder. Yesterday we were inside when they first flew over, and Katie did not want to go out to watch. Even after Aunt Pat explained what was happening, Katie preferred to stay inside. Katie wasn't the only one scared. One of Chloe's squirrel friends was walking across one of the wires and hunched down when the Snowbirds made their pass.

Katie came out after the noise abated and she enjoyed the sunshine.

Today, we went out around the times the schedule said the Snowbirds and the other jets would be around. The Snowbirds were a little early for their demonstration, and Chloe and I were outside. They were nice to look at, but even we went in when it got too loud. Let's face it, if you can't chase the bird, where's the fun?

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