I'm very happy to report that it snowed, just like the weatherman said it would! Sometimes they can be wrong, like the time when Aunt Pat and Daddy were young and such a big storm was predicted that they closed just about everything, like the malls and Kodak, early. But, the storm never came! I've missed the snow. Rolling around in the grass just isn't the same as a nice snowdrift. We had some snow Wednesday night, but thankfully it eased up in time for Daddy to take me to my therapy. I've been stiffer the last couple of days and snapped at Chloe the other night, so Daddy called to see if they could take me for an extra therapy session. They gave me a very thorough exam, and gave me a shot of a medication called Adequan. It's supposed to help my arthritis. I have to go back for a shot every four days for a total of eight shots. Aunt Pat had to take me to our regular Vet yesterday afternoon so I could have blood drawn to check my liver and kidney function. It's just a routine check. Me, I enjoyed the extra car ride, and the extra treats.
Chloe had a big day too, yesterday. She went to the Groomer! She was looking a little shaggy, as you can see in her "before" photo.
Here she is in her "after" photo. She was so excited she ran around the back yard like a maniac once she got home.
Chloe had to tell me all the juicy gossip I missed. I'll never tell, of course. I guess it's a good thing I can't speak human.