isn't always a bad thing. In the past year I've lost weight, which is wonderful. This week I also lost something else...the wart that was on top of my head! It had been getting looser the past few weeks. One part had come off already, but the larger part somehow managed to stay on. Everyone knows how much I love to roll around in the snow. Aunt Pat noticed some blood on the snow, and then looked at my head. She'd been out and Chloe and I really wanted to go out after she got home. She noticed it was gone and told Daddy about it.

I'm a little sad about losing...the snow! It's warmed up a lot the past few days and a lot of the snow is melting. There's still some good snow to roll in, and to lick, but it's disappearing by the minute. I know it's the January thaw, and that winter isn't over, but it's still winter, and when it's winter, there's snow. That's all there is to it. I should growl at, err, write a nice letter to a meteorologists at the t.v. stations Daddy and Aunt Pat watch to see what they can do about it. Just move it to April or May and make it the one and only snow melt.

Chloe doesn't share my concern. Sure, she likes to play in the snow and tear through it at full steam when running around the back yard. But, if the warmth means she can go for walkies, she's a happy girl. I guess helping Aunt Pat sort her craft patterns and magazines and napping in her favorite pillow aren't as exciting as she'd like.
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