Chloe had quite the story to tell yesterday after her walk. She and Aunt Pat were minding their own business, sniffing to see who'd been around. Actually, Chloe was doing all the sniffing, not Aunt Pat. After all, our noses are much more sensitive than a human nose, and so is our hearing. Chloe heard the comments before Aunt Pat did. There were two older guys leaning against a trailer carrying lawn mowing equipment. They took one look at Chloe and started right in. "Look at the cute girl, she's even got blue bows in her hair." Good Lord. The only thing they didn't do was wolf whistle. And here I thought construction workers were the only ones who did that sort of thing.

Girls don't have to be all cutesy, shy and retiring anymore. Girls/women can do anything they want and be anything they want...dogs included!

But, I think Aunt Pat was a little more upset than she let on. Today, she left Chloe home for both walks. Aunt Pat says it's because Chloe seems to be favoring her right foreleg and my Rehab Vet said she needed to rest. It doesn't seem to bother her. Chloe's been doing her other usual activities, like chasing birds; running to greet the neighbors at the fence; eating well; climbing onto the table and the sofa. Unfortunately our regular Vet wasn't open today, but Daddy called my other Vet's office who told him to keep her quiet and to give her some buffered aspirin. I think she just landed on it wrong when she jumped off the table. If she's still limping Monday, Daddy will call our regular Vet.