No, we didn't find this in the garbage and drag it out, although we wanted to afterwards. But, Chloe found this in, of all places, the middle of one of the evergreens on the side of the yard.
We were outside, sniffing around after our afternoon walk, when Aunt Pat noticed Chloe standing on her hind legs with most of her upper body in the shrub. Aunt Pat thought Chloe was sniffing after a bird, since she saw one fly out of the bush shortly before Chloe started to jump up.
But then, Aunt Pat saw Chloe drop down from the shrub, but she was chewing something. She was afraid Chloe might have caught something, like a bird, so she went over to investigate. Of course I got up from my chewing to help. Sure enough, Chloe had something in her mouth she didn't want Aunt Pat or I to see. She didn't obey Aunt Pat's "drop it" command, so Aunt Pat took it from her. Aunt Pat was very relieved to see that it was a piece of toast. One of the larger birds must have stashed it there or dropped it there after getting it from one of the neighbor's garbage. I know people will feed bread to birds and ducks, but they usually break it up and don't toast it first!
I tried to eat, err see it, but Aunt Pat held it out of my reach until she put it in the kitchen garbage. I tried to get into the garbage can to retrieve it...I am a retriever you know. but neither Chloe or I could get it. That didn't stop Chloe, though. Later that night, after Daddy got home from work, he had something to eat.
She's always begging at the table. I think she thought Daddy would feel sorry for her and share his dinner, but no such luck. So, she did what she did outside, she got up and went for it. Too bad all she found was a newspaper. Oh well, maybe next time.
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