Sunday, April 4, 2010

From My Lips...

to the Easter Bunny's ears! Before I start, I know we all want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter and Passover. We hope everyone had a good time and got lots of yummy treats. Anyway, yesterday, I said that I hoped the Easter Bunny would leave us something if we made sure he got through our yard safely. Now, I don't want to infer that we would have chased or hurt him if he hadn't. We're not operating a protection racket here. Nope, we just hoped that if we did him a favor, he'd leave us a treat. Well, he did!

Aunt Pat found a couple of new toys the Easter Bunny left for us. She gave each of us a toy, but that wasn't good enough for Chloe. Each time I picked up a toy or sniffed it, Chloe dropped the toy she was playing with and had to get mine. I didn't growl or snap at Chloe. I knew if I gave Aunt Pat my disappointed look:

She would make it up to me. She did. I had a lovely head and tummy rub, and lots of nice things said to me. It was a nice day, after all.

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