April Fool's Day came and went without any real fooling. Sure, Google changed its name to Topeka, but we knew it was a prank. Google always does something for April Fool's Day, and the name had changed only on the main page, not the mail or the map pages. Aunt Pat, Chloe and I were disappointed because we didn't see any really funny pranks online. So, I thought I'd try to prank Aunt Pat and Chloe. I played it cool, at first, walking around the yard, sniffing here and there. I did a potty just to make it look good. Once I knew Aunt Pat was busy doing some yard clean up, I made my move.

Can you see me? I snuck around the back of some of the shrubs on one side of the yard, and flopped down underneath just the right sized evergreen. As you can see, Chloe walked right past me! She noticed me a minute later, but she didn't bark or anything. I promised her an extra biskee if she played along. She did.

I stayed very quiet for a few minutes, until I heard the snapping of Aunt Pat's camera. I pretended to ignore her, but then gave her my best grin.

I saw her smile, so I know she wasn't upset at being pranked.

It's been so nice the past couple of days, we've been outside a bit more. The flowers are starting to come up, and Chloe and I are still helping chew, err, pick up the sticks laying around the yard.
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, and we all hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday! We also hope that everyone who celebrates, has had a happy Passover as well. You can bet that Chloe and I will be keeping an eye, and an ear open for the Easter Bunny. We'll make sure he gets through safely...and hope he leaves us something.
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