Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Got a Present!!

Chloe went to the Groomer yesterday, and I got a present! When Aunt Pat picked Chloe up, our Groomer, D, gave her a bandanna just for me! I love it! It brings out the color of my eyes and coat so well.

Chloe really needed a haircut. She was very shaggy, although the hair wasn't growing in front of her eyes like it usually does. But, the folks at the Groomer did a wonderful job, as usual.

Of course I had to give her a good sniff when she got home. Then we went outside for a while.
The grass hasn't really started to grow yet, but it'll come. It was cold, but the sun was out, so Aunt Pat took us for a walk. Chloe was strutting her stuff. Anyone who saw her, knew how happy she felt.

I did well at the Rehab Vet on Monday, so they want me to walk a little farther on our walks. I still don't like it when I get left home and Aunt Pat takes Chloe back out, but I understand. I don't want to do anything to re-injure myself.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sneaky, Sneaky

Chloe may look all cute and cuddly, but inside, she's very devious. Especially when there's food around. She loves to beg at the dinner table. She'll put her front paws up on Daddy and Aunt Pat's leg, and stick her nose close to sniff while giving her "I'm-so-adorable-you-have-to-feed -me" look. If the humans don't give in, especially if they're eating snacks, like popcorn, she'll get bold and scratch. However, there are times, like in April, 2008, when there's something really good on the table, Chloe won't bother to beg. Nope, she'll just outright claim the item as hers.

Yesterday, Aunt Pat bought a fresh baked loaf of Italian bread from a local bakery. While she was at her knitting class, Daddy sliced it into these nice thick slices. Yum. He had a couple of pieces after he fed us and I heard him tell Chloe that she couldn't have any. That didn't stop Chloe. We were in the living room watching television, and Aunt Pat went upstairs to get something. That's when she found guess who walking around with a piece of bread in her mouth. Yep, Chloe had very quietly gotten up on a chair and gotten a piece off of the plate on the table. She was walking very carefully and quietly from room to room with her treat.

I think she was trying to find a hiding place, but was a little too worried about its safety to keep it in one place for too long. I don't think she trusted me to not eat it if I found it. Heaven knows I ate enough of the biskees she used to hide. Chloe finally ended up by the dining room table. I came in close to see if she'd maybe share her booty with me, but no such luck. She licked the sides a couple of times, and then ate it. I was a little surprised Chloe didn't at least let me have a taste. She usually shares her food with me when she's not looking, or I'll finish the rest once she's taken some pieces of kibble into the next room. I know she's finished, and we don't want to waste food.

I gave Aunt Pat a couple of my most adorable looks, but she didn't give me a slice. She said something about needing to keep my weight down. One piece of bread isn't a diet buster and I tried to tell Aunt Pat that. But, she thought I was asking for a treat, and at least she gave me one of those!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Cleaning and It's Back To Work!

The weather has been wonderful this week, so Aunt Pat has had us outside more often. Chloe loves taking long walks, and I'm going for walks again, too! Monday, I went for my therapy appointment, and the Rehab Vet gave me a very thorough exam. She said my pulled muscle was healing nicely. So, I can go for walks, but they only want me to go as far as the end of the street and back...for now. I did well on the underwater treadmill, so I hope it won't be too long before I can go further. Chloe's already been telling me about the smells and the best trees to read and leave messages on.

Chloe and I have been helping out in the yard, too. Daddy and Aunt Pat have been taking advantage of the weather to get a head start on the yard work. As you can see, I'm in charge of the sticks. Aunt Pat puts the sticks on the pile, and I break them into smaller pieces. Chloe helps, but she's back on bird and squirrel patrol. She's working on her stealth skills, and she thinks she's getting better.

I think they're ignoring Chloe, especially since they're in the neighbors' yards. She thinks her fierceness makes the fence a non-issue, especially since some of them fly or run away when she starts barking. I'm not so sure, but we'll see.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Like Spring, But....

I also like making my snow angels. The past few days the weather has been really nice. Aunt Pat has taken us outside and we've even walked around the front yard. She's very happy that some of her bulbs are starting to come up. I think she needs to take a deep breath, calm down, and enjoy the snow. There was enough snow in front so I could make a snow angel yesterday. Today, I had to resort to making a grass angel. Fun, but not as much as a snow angel.

Chloe's enjoying the weather, though. Aunt Pat has been taking her for longer walks this week. This morning a woman and her husband we've seen walking before, came along and the woman cooed over Chloe and told her how cute she was. Chloe ate it up. She's a real people dog.

She also said "Hi" to Tony this morning. His daddy is working afternoons, so he took his walk this morning. Oh well, hopefully it won't be too long until I can go farther than the end of the driveway and around the front yard.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chloe Can Walk on Water!

Frozen water that is, not when it's in liquid form. All the snow we had last week is melting during the day, and freezes at night. So, the snow is really crunchy. For most of the week, it's been so deep, I've had to barge my way through it to get to other parts of the yard. Aunt Pat even stomped through my footsteps to make a path for Chloe to use. She's almost gotten stuck a couple of times. Let's face it, a girl likes to vary her, err, toileting areas, and I want to sample fresh snow.

But, since the thaw/freeze cycle started, Chloe has been able to walk right on top of the snow! She's been zipping right across the snow piles, and she's even climbed on snowbanks when Aunt Pat had her on their walks.

She tried to show me how she did it, but all I did was stumble.

I know I've made Aunt Pat and Daddy nervous because I've been slipping a little. I've been feeling a lot better and acting more like I used to before I pulled my groin muscle. They shouldn't worry. I know my limits and I don't want to re-injure myself. Last night the back yard was really slick, so when Aunt Pat had us out, I stayed in the garage. I didn't need to go, and I had my fill of snow. I'm getting sick of baby gates and only walking to the end of the driveway and back while Chloe gets to go around the neighborhood. I can sniff her and only imagine the sights and smells.