While we were out in the yard yesterday, the humans had the carpets cleaned. The nerve of them! All the familiar smells were gone. When we eat, we take some food from the bowl and go to a spot in the dining room or living room. Aunt Pat found more food on the carpet than usual. When Daddy gave Katie a biskee, she left part of it on the rug in the other room. When he put it on the sofa, though, she ate it. I think the clean smell may be throwing us off a little. Last night I ate mostly in the kitchen, and later in the evening Katie and

Chloe ate in the kitchen also. I had to christen the rug in the family room last night when I chewed my ball up. I left a nice spot near the recliner so the girls would be more comfortable. Aunt Pat put some goop on the rug to get the stain out, and got some of it. But there was enough left to make sure the girls knew I'd been there.

We love to have our tummies rubbed, especially Chloe. This is Chloe right after she climbed on the sofa next to Aunt Pat, whining for attention, and licking her face all over...it's like she was giving Aunt Pat a facial.

This is Chloe during and after her tummy rub. She calmed right down and took a nap next to Aunt Pat. This weekend, Chloe is going to a sleep over at Mommy's house with Allie and Baby G, and she can't wait!
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