Whenever someone opens the refridgerator door, I'm there very shortly afterwards. I know Aunt Pat doesn't like to give out the goods, but a girl can hope, can't she? But today? No siree. The one day I decide to be late for the lunch wagon, I miss out. When Aunt Pat lifted her sandwich from the kitchen table to put in the microwave, one side of the plate dropped and the sandwich fell on the floor! It was turkey on a ciabatta roll and Aunt Pat likes to "nuke" it to soften up the roll. Of course Katie was there, and she zoomed in and gobbled up the turkey before Aunt Pat could do anything. Katie wasn't fast enough to eat the roll, though. Aunt Pat threw that out before Katie could get to it. By the time Chloe and I got there, the turkey was all gone, and Aunt Pat had made a new sandwich. Afterwards, Katie's been laying on the afghan on the sofa, having a good nap.

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