Katie ate something she shouldn't have on Saturday and grossed out Aunt Pat. If you get grossed out easily, you may want to stop reading right now.

Still with me? Good. Aunt Pat noticed that Katie was walking towards the back door from beneath the crab tree and had something big in her mouth. Katie looked like she was having a little trouble chewing, so Aunt Pat came over to investigate. Lo and behold, Aunt Pat saw a
little bird leg and foot hanging out of Katie's mouth, with the rest of the bird inside. It was probably dead before Katie got a hold of it. Aunt Pat found one in the same spot a couple of weeks ago, and there was another one near the shrubs in the front yard that morning.
Anyway, Aunt Pat kept telling Katie in that bossy voice of hers to drop it, but Katie kept chewing. When Aunt Pat went to get some gloves to get the bird out, Daddy came out to see what all the rukus was about. He actually put his fingers in Katie's mouth to get the bird out, but by that time, it was gone. Daddy and Aunt Pat watched Katie closely. She took a nice nap after her snack, and napped on and off all day. However, Katie had to have a nerve pill because of a thunderstorm that came through, which made her sleepy too.
Mrs. G was working in her back yard and came over to the fence to see what was going on and to make sure Katie was okay. She even asked Aunt Pat about her today when we were out back. She's always been nice to us.

I've always known that Katie, even though she looks like she inhales her food, knows that chewing thoroughly is the key to good digestion. Everything has come out well in the end...if you know what I mean. Gee, I've never known humans to be that interested in our...backyard deposits before. Katie's fine, although Aunt Pat is still concerned that Katie may have picked up a parasite or something from the bird. I think it's the ex-nurse in her coming out.