then snow! We had our first snow flurries yesterday. We were on the fringes of a storm that caused a lot of snow to fall to the East of us. Nothing stuck to the ground...yet. But, it won't be long before the snow will be so deep that Daddy and Aunt Pat will have to shovel paths in the back yard so we can have a spot to do our business.

We've been helping Daddy and Aunt Pat get the house ready for winter. Every time we go out, we nibble on the grass to keep it short. A girl needs some extra fiber, you know. We're fed wonderful dog food, but everyone needs a little help now and then. We've also been moving some of the leaves around with our noses, and making sure they're in a good spot so Daddy can get them with the mower. When he was up on the ladder, painting the gutters, we went out every so often to make sure he was safe. Sure, it looked like we were doing our business, we were, but we were on the look out in case anything happened.

We've been helping Aunt Pat inside, too. It can get pretty cold in the family room, since it's partially underground. You can see us here, making sure the sofa stays nice and warm for Aunt Pat when she comes back to sit on it. We still have to make sure there's enough room for her. We won't get up on the sofa until after she's sitting there, but after she gets up, sometimes we shift our positions a little. Chloe will stretch out a little more if she's been snuggling up to Aunt Pat. I'll move my head down and shift a little too, and Katie will flip onto her other side. Aunt Pat hasn't had a problem moving Chloe or sneaking in beside Katie when she wants to sit back down. Other times, I'll get up to see where Aunt Pat is, if she's out of the room for more than a few minutes. If she brings a snack downstairs, well, we all move pretty fast!
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