Chloe isn't the only dog around here who is concerned with our health and well-being. Sure, she does her perimeter checks a few times a day, and at night, will go outside right after she and the humans have gone to bed just to be certain danger isn't lurking. I'm just as concerned as she is, I'm not as obvious about it as Chloe, and she tends to play a little more than necessary.

There are just some things in the environment that aren't meant to be played with. Take bugs for example, especially bees. The other day Daddy had her in the back yard, when he noticed her nosing around the base of one of our evergreens. He took a closer look, she saw Chloe pushing a yellow jacket. I don't know if she was trying to save it, or play with it. Daddy didn't care to find out, either. He called for Chloe to get away from it. Thankfully, Chloe didn't get stung. Inside the house, Aunt Pat and I have seen her play with flies and spiders until Aunt Pat steps in to kill them, or clean them up once Chloe's done with them.

Mosquitoes are my specialty. They're very pesky and they carry diseases, like heartworm, malaria, and West Nile virus. We've had a lot more of them this year with all the rain, and I've had enough. I don't mess around. When I see one of the little buggers around me, I'll eat it. that's right. I'm just as fast with my mouth as President Obama is with his fly-killing hand. Plus, I'm much cuter than he is.
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