Last Wednesday, Daddy dropped me off at the Groomer! We were a little late, but it wasn't my fault. Daddy had written the wrong time in his calendar, so it was straight from walkies to the car! It was so nice to have a day of pampering after everything that's happened, but I felt a little bad about leaving Daddy and Aunt Pat. They're still pretty sad, but they're starting to feel better. I've been keeping them company and giving them extra snuggles, and asking them for tummy rubs. I know they've appreciated it. They said I should go, so I went.
Anyway, the Groomer did a lovely job as usual. I feel about 10 pounds lighter, even though the Groomer told Aunt Pat that I needed to lose about 5 pounds. What can I say, Aunt Pat's a great cook! When she was cooking the special bland diet for Heidi, I had to sample some, too. Well, more than just some. Oh well. No more pretzels and potato chips, either. No matter how much I beg.
So now, I'm on reduced portions, and plenty of exercise. We've been going for 3 walks a day, weather permitting. It's been nice to get outside in the fresh air and sunshine. I've enjoyed sunning myself in the back yard as well. With the weather being so nice, the neighbors have been outside more. So I've been able to play with Lucy from down the street, and Tony, who stayed with us that time. His people were out of town and he locked Daddy and Aunt Pat out of their house when they went over to take care of him.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Heidi- Adopted 2004- Died May 17, 2011
This is Aunt Pat. Chloe will return to blogging with the next post. I'm sorry to inform you that Heidi joined Katie and Nikki at the Rainbow Bridge this morning. She was holding her own in the hospital Saturday, and her urine looked like the infection was clearing. Unfortunately, Sunday, she stopped eating, and drinking, and started vomiting again. She didn't improve with the steroids, as she would have if she had Irritable Bowel. The Vet did an X-ray on Monday, which showed Megaesophagus, and not Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, the Vet thought she had a protein wasting bowel disease or other problem in either her esophagus or her liver. Because of her deterioration, and the fact that we had already tried the common treatments for both problems without success, there was nothing more we could do for her. When we visited her Monday afternoon, the spark was gone from her eyes; she looked very peaceful, comfortable, and gave us the look that said "enough is enough."
Katie was a Daddy's girl, but Heidi and I clicked. She became my big furry shadow. Everywhere in the house I went, she followed. If I went upstairs, she would lay at the bottom of the stairs and bark, especially once her arthritis got worse. If I didn't come out and tell her I'd be down in a minute, after a few more barks, she'd come upstairs. She loved laying on my left side on the sofa, with a large part of her touching me. If Chloe had gotten up there, Heidi would look at Chloe, then look at me, then look back at Chloe as if to say "Please get her out of my spot." If she went for a walk with Andy, and I didn't go along, she would only go around the corner and want to come back home. She'd lay by the bathtub while I took my shower, and would end her night/start her mornings beneath my bed.
It's very ironic that her esophagus would cause such problems, since one thing Heidi liked more than anything was a good meal...or a treat. If anyone stood in front of the cupboard that held the treats, she'd bark until she got one. It didn't matter that one of us was just watching something on the television we put on the counter. Heidi actually learned to point out the treat cupboard in exchange for a treat of course. She didn't sit and bark when we were at the dinner table...that much. If Katie or Chloe started to beg, then Heidi would beg as well...and she'd get rewarded. However, carrots and green beans were two of her all time favorites. She learned to dig the carrots out of the garden, and would eat not only the beans, but part of the plants as well. If I was cutting carrots in preparation to cook something, she'd bark until I gave her some. We played a few games of carrot fetch when the weather was bad. She also liked to play fetch and chew tennis balls, but she hadn't done that as much the last couple of years with her arthritis. She also loved to roll around on her back in the grass, and especially in the snow.
Heidi also enjoyed rides in the car. She always gave a "What? You're leaving without me?" look whenever I'd go out to run errands. She liked nothing better than to ride in the back seat of the car. Many times she'd nap in the back seat and always seemed a little disappointed when we returned home..
Heidi was a sweet, loveable girl. She loved her tummy rubs, and she loved it when people cooed and paid attention to her. She really enjoyed her treatments at Thera-Vet, especially the Hako pool/whirlpool. She wasn't always a fan of doing the exercises at home, but she'd do them, especially if there were treats involved. I think she enjoyed the walks as much as Chloe.
Heidi will be sorely missed. But we know we did everything we could for her, and she's at the Rainbow Bridge with her canine sisters Katie and Nikki. We'd like to thank the people at our Vet's office for their efforts on Heidi's behalf. Their caring and concern made this ordeal much easier. We'd also like to thank everyone at Thera-Vet for everything they did for Heidi. Her quality of life improved greatly after her treatments. We'd also like to thank everyone at Happy Tails, our groomer, who made her feel more comfortable and happy with every grooming.
Katie was a Daddy's girl, but Heidi and I clicked. She became my big furry shadow. Everywhere in the house I went, she followed. If I went upstairs, she would lay at the bottom of the stairs and bark, especially once her arthritis got worse. If I didn't come out and tell her I'd be down in a minute, after a few more barks, she'd come upstairs. She loved laying on my left side on the sofa, with a large part of her touching me. If Chloe had gotten up there, Heidi would look at Chloe, then look at me, then look back at Chloe as if to say "Please get her out of my spot." If she went for a walk with Andy, and I didn't go along, she would only go around the corner and want to come back home. She'd lay by the bathtub while I took my shower, and would end her night/start her mornings beneath my bed.
It's very ironic that her esophagus would cause such problems, since one thing Heidi liked more than anything was a good meal...or a treat. If anyone stood in front of the cupboard that held the treats, she'd bark until she got one. It didn't matter that one of us was just watching something on the television we put on the counter. Heidi actually learned to point out the treat cupboard in exchange for a treat of course. She didn't sit and bark when we were at the dinner table...that much. If Katie or Chloe started to beg, then Heidi would beg as well...and she'd get rewarded. However, carrots and green beans were two of her all time favorites. She learned to dig the carrots out of the garden, and would eat not only the beans, but part of the plants as well. If I was cutting carrots in preparation to cook something, she'd bark until I gave her some. We played a few games of carrot fetch when the weather was bad. She also liked to play fetch and chew tennis balls, but she hadn't done that as much the last couple of years with her arthritis. She also loved to roll around on her back in the grass, and especially in the snow.
Heidi also enjoyed rides in the car. She always gave a "What? You're leaving without me?" look whenever I'd go out to run errands. She liked nothing better than to ride in the back seat of the car. Many times she'd nap in the back seat and always seemed a little disappointed when we returned home..
Heidi was a sweet, loveable girl. She loved her tummy rubs, and she loved it when people cooed and paid attention to her. She really enjoyed her treatments at Thera-Vet, especially the Hako pool/whirlpool. She wasn't always a fan of doing the exercises at home, but she'd do them, especially if there were treats involved. I think she enjoyed the walks as much as Chloe.
Heidi will be sorely missed. But we know we did everything we could for her, and she's at the Rainbow Bridge with her canine sisters Katie and Nikki. We'd like to thank the people at our Vet's office for their efforts on Heidi's behalf. Their caring and concern made this ordeal much easier. We'd also like to thank everyone at Thera-Vet for everything they did for Heidi. Her quality of life improved greatly after her treatments. We'd also like to thank everyone at Happy Tails, our groomer, who made her feel more comfortable and happy with every grooming.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
When Heidi's Away...
It's up to me to take care of the humans. Heidi's back in the hospital for a couple of days so she can get IV fluids and antibiotics to clear up her kidney infection. The Vet thinks she also has something called Irritable Bowel Disease that can be managed with medication. But, the medication suppresses her immune system, so she has to be infection free before the medication can start. She should be home in a couple of days.
I know how important it is to keep the humans busy. They worry so much about us, and I know both Daddy and Aunt Pat are very concerned about Heidi. In addition to my normal duties-keeping watch out of the front window from my perch on the table, thoroughly sniffing the back yard to ward off any unwanted visitors, etc, I've planned some activities for them. For instance, the weather this past week was beautiful, and exercise helps take the mind off your worries. So, I've taken Aunt Pat on three walks a day for the past couple of days. Plus, we've been spending more time outside, and we've gotten some garden clean up done
I've been snuggling more with Daddy. I want to be sure he sleeps well, and has pleasant dreams. Plus, he dragged the grill out into the back yard and cooked out a couple of nights. Just like I help Aunt Pat keep the kitchen floor clean when she cooks, I helped Daddy keep the patio clean. A neat work area is very important. Spills can cause falls, and my motto is safety first!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I Had a Test Today
...and I passed! I didn't even study for it! I don't recommend not studying, though, especially if you're in school. This wasn't a school test, this was an ultrasound of my tummy. When our Vet took my x-ray last week, things didn't look right. He thought there might be fluid in there, or something else. So, he really thought I should have the test. I enjoyed a longer car ride. We had to stop at our regular Vet so the humans could pick up my x-rays. Then, Aunt Pat had trouble finding the place, despite using Google Maps and street view. The hospital is a little tucked away from the main road.
Anyway, the doctor was very nice, and called me a very sweet girl...and a good case. I even thumped my tail once or twice. But, he said that one of my kidneys didn't look too good, but the other one looked okay, and it could have been that way for a while-since some of the trouble I had back in 2004. My spleen was a bit on the large side, and my liver is a little small, but the spleen could be large as a result of the infection I have. My gallbladder was fine, and he didn't see anything bad with my stomach or my heart. He didn't see any tumors, either. But, there was fluid. So, he took a sample of some, and it looked clear, which is good. He thinks the fluid could be due to the kidney/bladder infection I have, or I could have Irritable Bowel Disease. The doctor said I should finish up the antibiotics, and then give my doctor another urine specimen to check for infection as well as something called a protein/creatine test. If that test shows my kidneys aren't the problem, then the problem is probably the bowel. Irritable Bowel can be treated with Prednisone.
Anyway, the doctor was very nice, and called me a very sweet girl...and a good case. I even thumped my tail once or twice. But, he said that one of my kidneys didn't look too good, but the other one looked okay, and it could have been that way for a while-since some of the trouble I had back in 2004. My spleen was a bit on the large side, and my liver is a little small, but the spleen could be large as a result of the infection I have. My gallbladder was fine, and he didn't see anything bad with my stomach or my heart. He didn't see any tumors, either. But, there was fluid. So, he took a sample of some, and it looked clear, which is good. He thinks the fluid could be due to the kidney/bladder infection I have, or I could have Irritable Bowel Disease. The doctor said I should finish up the antibiotics, and then give my doctor another urine specimen to check for infection as well as something called a protein/creatine test. If that test shows my kidneys aren't the problem, then the problem is probably the bowel. Irritable Bowel can be treated with Prednisone.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
First off, I want to thank Chloe for dictating the update to Aunt Pat during my recent hospital stay. She kept a good eye on everything, and cuddled with both Daddy and Aunt Pat to comfort them while I was gone. She was so happy to see me, she ran out into the back yard to greet me when I got home. It almost got a little awkward because I was looking for a spot to, well, you know. IV fluids go right through you! Chloe missed me. Aunt Pat said that she sniffed around the sofa and the back yard to see if she could find me.
Boy, am I glad to be home! I felt pretty rotten when Daddy got me to the Vet Thursday. I just flopped down on the floor in front of the desk and wouldn't move. I think I scared everyone so much they got a stretcher to take me back to the exam room. Once I was on the stretcher, I tried to get up and walk, but they told me to relax and let them take me. After I got my second wind, I got up and wandered into the exam room next door and surprised everybody. Oops! I guess I should have stayed put. The doctor wasn't mad, though. I think everyone was relieved I was up and walking.
Anyway, they put an IV in, and gave me some antibiotics. Chloe reported that they took some x-rays. They had to get a couple of different shots to get pictures they liked. They wanted to be sure they got the best views. It's nice to know my insides photograph as well as the outside. Aunt Pat came to visit me Thursday night. She thought they were going to send me home, but the doctor decided to keep me for more antibiotics and fluids. I was a bit bored the first night, and more than a little disappointed I didn't get to go home with Aunt Pat. So, I chewed through the IV tubing. Partly because of that the doctor wanted to keep me an extra day so I could get more fluids and more of the antibiotic for my kidney infection.
I didn't get lonely. Morris, the office cat has his bunk across from the kennel I was in. He was fine...just don't tell Chloe that. She loves to bark at cats. It's not that she doesn't like them, she just wants to play with them. Chloe doesn't understand that cats aren't always as open to playing as dogs. My friends who work at the hospital kept me company, too, so it wasn't bad. A TV would have been nice, though. I like the Weather Channel, the local and national news, and sports.. Aunt Pat had to catch me up on current events, like Bin Laden was dead, and team that took him out had a dog with them! I didn't watch the Royal Wedding. What fun was that without the Queen's Corgis? I'll watch other shows with Aunt Pat. Well, she'll watch the shows while Chloe and I nap beside her.
I've been resting the last couple of days, and I haven't thrown up or had any diarrhea at all..except once I got home. I got out in the back yard this afternoon while Aunt Pat was doing some weeding. I couldn't resist so I ate some grass. Not smart. But, I ate a good dinner, and have been drinking water, and haven't thrown up again. I've gotten more of my zip back and am feeling much better. The doctor thinks the infection could have caused the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but he still wants to get an ultrasound just to be sure. So, Daddy and Aunt Pat will take me Tuesday. The doctor took out my iv right before I left, and he gave me a nice bandage with paw prints on it! How cool! I didn't chew it off, either. I licked it a few times, but Aunt Pat eventually took it off for me. I've been resting as well. There's nothing like getting into your own bed....or couch to have a good nap!

Thursday, May 5, 2011
A Quick Update
Chloe here, subbing for Heidi. She's been feeling rather punky lately. She stopped having diarrhea, but then started throwing up again. So, she went to the Vet earlier this week for some blood tests, which didn't look too bad. But, the protein levels were low, and her red cell count was a little lower than before. So, Daddy got a urine and stool sample from her today. The urine sample showed an infection, but the stool sample was negative. The Doctor wanted to do an x-ray to see what could be going on, so Daddy dropped her off this morning. The x-ray showed what could be fluid in her abdomen. It could very well be from a kidney infection, or it could be something else. So, Heidi's staying the night at the Vet, getting antibiotics and IV fluids to hydrate her some more. She hasn't been eating too much lately, and she's lost more weight than she should. Hopefully, she'll come home tomorrow, and the humans will take Heidi for an ultrasound to see what's up.
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