Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Quick Update

Chloe here, subbing for Heidi.  She's been feeling rather punky lately.  She stopped having diarrhea, but then started throwing up again.  So, she went to the Vet earlier this week for some blood tests, which didn't look too bad.  But, the protein levels were low, and her red cell count was a little lower than before.  So, Daddy got a urine and stool sample from her today.  The urine sample showed an infection, but the stool sample was negative.  The Doctor wanted to do an x-ray to see what could be going on, so Daddy dropped her off this morning.  The x-ray showed what could be fluid in her abdomen.  It could very well be from a kidney infection, or it could be something else.  So, Heidi's staying the night at the Vet, getting antibiotics and IV fluids to hydrate her some more.  She hasn't been eating too much lately, and she's lost more weight than she should.  Hopefully, she'll come home tomorrow, and the humans will take Heidi for an ultrasound to see what's up.

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