First off, I want to thank Chloe for dictating the update to Aunt Pat during my recent hospital stay. She kept a good eye on everything, and cuddled with both Daddy and Aunt Pat to comfort them while I was gone. She was so happy to see me, she ran out into the back yard to greet me when I got home. It almost got a little awkward because I was looking for a spot to, well, you know. IV fluids go right through you! Chloe missed me. Aunt Pat said that she sniffed around the sofa and the back yard to see if she could find me.
Boy, am I glad to be home! I felt pretty rotten when Daddy got me to the Vet Thursday. I just flopped down on the floor in front of the desk and wouldn't move. I think I scared everyone so much they got a stretcher to take me back to the exam room. Once I was on the stretcher, I tried to get up and walk, but they told me to relax and let them take me. After I got my second wind, I got up and wandered into the exam room next door and surprised everybody. Oops! I guess I should have stayed put. The doctor wasn't mad, though. I think everyone was relieved I was up and walking.
Anyway, they put an IV in, and gave me some antibiotics. Chloe reported that they took some x-rays. They had to get a couple of different shots to get pictures they liked. They wanted to be sure they got the best views. It's nice to know my insides photograph as well as the outside. Aunt Pat came to visit me Thursday night. She thought they were going to send me home, but the doctor decided to keep me for more antibiotics and fluids. I was a bit bored the first night, and more than a little disappointed I didn't get to go home with Aunt Pat. So, I chewed through the IV tubing. Partly because of that the doctor wanted to keep me an extra day so I could get more fluids and more of the antibiotic for my kidney infection.
I didn't get lonely. Morris, the office cat has his bunk across from the kennel I was in. He was fine...just don't tell Chloe that. She loves to bark at cats. It's not that she doesn't like them, she just wants to play with them. Chloe doesn't understand that cats aren't always as open to playing as dogs. My friends who work at the hospital kept me company, too, so it wasn't bad. A TV would have been nice, though. I like the Weather Channel, the local and national news, and sports.. Aunt Pat had to catch me up on current events, like Bin Laden was dead, and team that took him out had a dog with them! I didn't watch the Royal Wedding. What fun was that without the Queen's Corgis? I'll watch other shows with Aunt Pat. Well, she'll watch the shows while Chloe and I nap beside her.
I've been resting the last couple of days, and I haven't thrown up or had any diarrhea at all..except once I got home. I got out in the back yard this afternoon while Aunt Pat was doing some weeding. I couldn't resist so I ate some grass. Not smart. But, I ate a good dinner, and have been drinking water, and haven't thrown up again. I've gotten more of my zip back and am feeling much better. The doctor thinks the infection could have caused the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, but he still wants to get an ultrasound just to be sure. So, Daddy and Aunt Pat will take me Tuesday. The doctor took out my iv right before I left, and he gave me a nice bandage with paw prints on it! How cool! I didn't chew it off, either. I licked it a few times, but Aunt Pat eventually took it off for me. I've been resting as well. There's nothing like getting into your own bed....or couch to have a good nap!

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