Yesterday afternoon Aunt Pat had us out in the backyard when Katie and Chloe ran to the back fence and started barking like they normally do when the neighbors are out. Katie's bark is more of the "stranger danger" kind, and Chloe is a little "stranger danger" mixed with "nice to meet you! Pet me, I'm your friend." It turns out that the S's other next door neighbor was visiting with their dog, Lucky. Once in a while we'll hear Lucky barking and Katie will answer him back, but we'd never met snout to snout. Lucky and his humans came over to the fence and we had a good sniff. Chloe was ready to play right away, but it took Katie a few minutes to warm up to Lucky. They had a good sniff, and I went over to say hello in between tosses of the tennis ball. Mrs. S was nice enough to toss the ball for me, while the humans chatted.

I hope nobody got the idea I was bragging or that I'm the only one who looks after the humans. Katie and Chloe do too. They'll wander into the bathroom if we think either Aunt Pat or Daddy's been in there too long, or if Daddy's ironing. When Daddy cuts the grass we'll bark in the front window to remind him to be careful. Yesterday Daddy washed the car and we barked to make sure he didn't miss a spot. Katie and Chloe also will lay down by Aunt Pat's computer. It just depends on how much room there is. Sometimes we'll go into the hall or in the dog bed in Daddy's room.

It may look like we're napping, but we're really awake. We know it can be creepy to have three sets of eyes staring at you. The snoring is just a cover. If someone comes in or Aunt Pat moves, we're awake and ready if we're needed.
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