Chloe loves to lay on the table in front of the window in the living room. She likes to watch the neighbors and see who's coming and going, like the Mail Carrier, or the UPS guy. She'll jump onto the chair to the left of the table, then onto the table itself. There's a lamp on the table that Daddy and Aunt Pat's mother put there when she put the room together many years ago.
Usually, Chloe avoids it. It may get knocked aside a little, but it's never been a problem. Until recently.

The humans came home and found that the lamp on the floor and the shade was broken on the inside. So, Aunt Pat took the shade off and put it in the trunk of her car. She put the lamp back on the table, figuring the broken shade was a fluke, and it would be safe.
She was wrong. One day, she came home and found the lamp on the floor, on its side. It looked like this.

Daddy and Aunt Pat were relieved that nobody was hurt when the lamp fell. Aunt Pat took it to the lamp repair shop and got it back yesterday. She hasn't put it back on the table yet. It's standing on the table behind the love seat. Chloe has been sprawled across the table since the lamp has been gone, and Aunt Pat isn't sure she wants to risk having the lamp break again if she puts it back on Chloe's table.

Chloe feels bad about breaking the lamp. She's been trying to make up for it by being more helpful around the house. Yesterday, Chloe helped Aunt Pat fold laundry. She also volunteered to go to the Vet with Katie last week, and will want to go Monday when Katie goes back for her check up. Chloe was the first of us to try out the new dog bed Aunt Pat bought today to put in her bedroom. Since Daddy's been sick, we've been sleeping in Aunt Pat's room every night. I'll go back and forth between her room and Daddy's, but Chloe sleeps in the bed with Aunt Pat, and Katie will sleep on the rug.

It's a very comfortable bed. It's just like the ones in Daddy's room and in the front bedroom office/den.

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