and she's resting comfortably at home. She was not at all happy about missing breakfast this morning. She wasn't supposed to eat anything after 9pm last night, and have nothing to drink this morning. She was told this many times, but Katie's a stubborn little dog. She tried to lick some of the water off of the holder the bowls rest in, but there wasn't any. Katie got excited when Daddy washed the bowls and put them on the kitchen counter as usual. But, instead of putting more dry food and then adding our canned food, he went out to start the car!

When he came back in, he put the leashes on Chloe and Katie and they went to the Vet. Aunt Pat fed me, thankfully, and got Chloe's bowl ready for when she and Daddy returned. Katie was upset, of course, since the Vet is NOT her favorite place to go. Chloe nuzzled her and kept her calm. However, Daddy was afraid that Katie was mad at him, since she didn't give him a kiss goodbye.

Even though the operation was a minor one, the humans were still nervous. Chloe and I stayed close, and tried to distract them with some fetch, some cuddling, and just being cute in general.
Aunt Pat called at 2pm to see how Katie was doing, per the Vet's instructions. They said that the surgery went very well, and that Katie would be ready to come home between 4 and 5pm.

When Aunt Pat walked into the Vet's office, she heard Katie telling the staff that she really wanted to go home! Our neighbor D, who works there, told Aunt Pat that Katie's surgery went well, and they got the anal gland out and all of the nodule. They're sending it off to a pathology lab to check it out. Katie shouldn't eat too much tonight, but can go ahead tomorrow. She's to start an antibiotic tomorrow after having a dose today during her operation. Katie has to go back Friday for a check up, and will have her stitches out a week from Friday. They shaved the area on her butt, and D said that it's normal to have a little oozing from her incision.

We all gave her a very thorough sniffing when Katie got home, especially Chloe. Katie headed straight for the water bowl after we greeted her. She drank so much so quickly Aunt Pat thought Katie might throw up. She didn't. We went outside and she did her business, and even ate a little deli turkey when Aunt Pat fed us. Chloe has been very attentive to her, watching her outside and giving her some nuzzles and reassuring sniffs. Later, Katie ate some canned dog food and has kept that down just fine. She's been resting, and getting lots of tummy rubs and behind the ear rubs from the humans.
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