for Katie's follow up appointment for last week. She'd had her anal glands cleaned out, and the doctor felt a nodule in one of them. He said if the nodule was still there this week, the anal gland should be removed because of the possibility that it could be cancer. The girls went today, and the nodule was still there. So, next Tuesday the 16th, Katie will have it removed. After everything Katie went through last year, the doctor doesn't want to take any chances. She should be home the same day, unless there's an emergency and her surgery has to be postponed until later in the day. She'll have her tush shaved, and some stitches in her behind where they take the gland out, but I wonder if she'll have one of those collar thingies like these dogs have?

There was a little...incident before they left. Aunt Pat had told me before they left that I was going to stay home and "hold down the fort" in her words. She promised to give me a nice brushing when they returned, which I enjoyed immensely. So, I was pretty mellow when the leashes came out. Chloe, however, was very excited. So excited, that she jumped up and hit Aunt Pat in the nose with her head! Aunt Pat held her nose and grabbed a paper napkin from the counter. Thankfully, she didn't have the nosebleed she thought she'd gotten. She just felt like she had one.

Chloe's enthusiasm carried over to the car ride, and into the Vet's office. She tried to get Aunt Pat to let her drive, but Aunt Pat wouldn't hear of it. No surprise there. Aunt Pat wouldn't let me drive either when I've offered to. I can at least reach the pedals and see over the steering wheel when I'm in the driver' seat. Chloe's too short. Chloe also tried to catch the attention of a couple of dogs who were walking with their human near a stop sign. She wanted to compliment one of the dogs on the nice coat they were wearing. Chloe and Katie tried to make friends with a little dachshund they met on the way in, but Aunt Pat thinks Chloe's friendliness scared him. He tried to hide behind his daddy's legs when Chloe tried to do a friendly sniff. The same thing happened on the way out when another puppy came in with its humans. The poor dog was there to have its ears checked and the way it dragged it's tush on the walkway showed it wasn't happy at all about the prospect. It's humans thought Katie and Chloe were very cute, despite Chloe's exuberance. They also met an older beagle on the way out, but it seemed as happy to meet Chloe as Chloe was to meet it.

Chloe was very thoughtful, though. Once the initial excitement was over, Chloe settled in to keep Katie calm. She jumped onto the chair and sat for a few minutes, then jumped off to give Katie a reassuring sniff and nuzzle. During the exam, she played a little "Hide Behind Aunt Pat" Chloe moved from side to side behind Aunt Pat, while Aunt Pat looked to the side Chloe had been at in order to find Chloe. It helped distract Katie, and I think Katie appreciated it. After the exam, the Vet Tech, our friend D, gave Katie and Chloe soft treats. Katie didn't feel much like eating, so Chloe didn't eat hers either. Chloe knows it's not polite to eat in front of others. Aunt Pat put the treats in her pocket and offered again when they got home. I sniffed them out right away, but I didn't get pushy. Katie still didn't want one of the soft treats. She got a cheese cracker instead. I didn't want the soft treat to get stale, so I ate it for her. Chloe ate hers then, too. We all had a nice nap once things settled down.
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