I can't believe it's the first day of Fall! We've enjoyed our time outdoors, both in the back yard and out on our walks. There's nothing like laying on the patio listening to the birds and the neighbor kids playing in their yards; watching Chloe stalk and chase the chipmunks and squirrels in our yard and the neighbors'; digging in the garden; and laying in the sun. Of course I knew Summer wouldn't last forever. Pretty soon Daddy and Aunt Pat will be shoveling paths in the snow for Chloe to walk around and potty in.

Chloe and I enjoy our walks, but I don't know how many we'll go for once the weather gets bad. The sidewalks on our street don't get plowed, so we'll be walking in the street once the snow gets deep. I hope they continue. I think the Vet hopes they'll continue, too. I got weighed at yesterday's appointment and I gained almost a pound. I'm supposed to lose 8 pounds. Oops. I guess I've been eating a little too much...or else their scale was off. I'm not too upset. After all, I did walk longer and faster on their treadmill and they wrote that I had a good day! Daddy and Aunt Pat were very disappointed, though. I didn't realize baby carrots had so many calories. I know it's the carrots. Eating out of Chloe's bowl has nothing to do with my weight gain. Maybe it's just my body getting ready for winter? We all need insulation for the cold weather, right?

Chloe and I enjoy our walks, but I don't know how many we'll go for once the weather gets bad. The sidewalks on our street don't get plowed, so we'll be walking in the street once the snow gets deep. I hope they continue. I think the Vet hopes they'll continue, too. I got weighed at yesterday's appointment and I gained almost a pound. I'm supposed to lose 8 pounds. Oops. I guess I've been eating a little too much...or else their scale was off. I'm not too upset. After all, I did walk longer and faster on their treadmill and they wrote that I had a good day! Daddy and Aunt Pat were very disappointed, though. I didn't realize baby carrots had so many calories. I know it's the carrots. Eating out of Chloe's bowl has nothing to do with my weight gain. Maybe it's just my body getting ready for winter? We all need insulation for the cold weather, right?
1 comment:
Hope you girls wished your daddy a happy birthday on Wednesday. M
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